No, they're coming here

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While the others were all partying away enjoy the noise, Bella was here finally, she'd looked into the kitchen to see Edward, Jack and I, and started making her way that way, but Jessica and the rest of her friends came to talk to her. She smiled over towards the kitchen, seeing how happy Jack and I were. Wanting to also ditch the party and go into the kitchen to be with Edward, but she couldn't get away. This was for her, these people were here for her.

Inside the kitchen.... Jack and I were sitting at the table discussing the things that had gone on since he was himself last. Try to figure out what it was he remembered. That what happened while he was with Victoria. Tell me, what's been going on around here. You all know what's been going on, so I'm not gonna repeat myself, as far as the things that Jack remembers as himself, he remembers the things he's done, he remembers fighting back, not wanting to do some of the things Victoria was trying to make him do.

Every time I spoke or he spoke, all I can see was the longing and misery and sadness all shown on his face. Jack its ok, you were under her spell, you weren't you, but you are again now. That's all behind us, and I forgive you. I love you Jack. And I love you my snowflake. He interlocked our fingers, pulling me in close to kiss me. Then patted his lap for me to come sit with him. I switched seats and did as I was told, as he wrapped his arms around me, my head resting against his chest.

If I'm not even participating in the party, why did I have to dress up too? Jack had leaned his chin onto my shoulder nuzzling his head against my neck, as he brought his hands up to play with my hair, leaning in to whisper something into my ear. Because, for one its a party, and.... But no one is dressed up like me, and if they are they're not dressed as fancy as me. Let me finish his chuckled. And, because you're so beautiful. Jackson I will bite you.

He rolls his eyes, brushing my hair out of the way, as his fingers gently accidently brush against my neck. I flinched, he smirked. What's wrong princess? Jack, you're pushing it. I growled. He just laughed again. I'm serious Jack, I can and will hurt you. And if nothing else, I'll certainly bite down on your thumbs if you keep this up. But unlike last time it will be playful. Oh hush, he teased.

Oh no I'm so scared of my vampire girlfriend. You should be. If anyone is getting bit I'm sure you hope it would be you. She's not a full one yet, Edward teases making his way into the kitchen. She can't hurt you even if she wanted to. What are you doing in here? Alice just saw a vision, we're meeting on the terrace, come on. Can I at least take this dress off? Do you have something on underneath?

Yeah, a tank top and a pair of shorts. You're gonna be so cold. No I won't its May we're having a graduation party. You'll want a jacket over it, you don't wear tank tops alone and you'll want to go put on a pair of sweats since you also don't wear shorts on their own. Go quickly, without using your powers. I could just.... I don't finish my sentence, I geo leap up to my room, flash the clothes into my body, and geo leap to the terrace.

We all come outside including Jake and his friends, including my cousins. Aw, you changed. Shut up Jacob. Jack reaches his hand back out and reaches out to take my own pulling me over to him, as I sit on his lap and his wraps his arms around me. We all get comfortable, while we hear about Alice's vision. That we only have x amount of days before they actually will be coming here.

That Bella and I are in danger since what Riley had, had something that had both our scent on it somehow. That, in the morning we were gonna go and train, that Jacob and the pack would be joining us. That even though we all would be training. Bella, myself and Jack wouldn't be fighting, we'd go somewhere out of the way of the fight, but we didn't want Jacob to join either we didn't want him to get hurt.

For myself and Bella, they didn't want us to get hurt, that Jack and I both had personal experiences with Victoria, that she was to be left to me, that, that would be the only part of the fight they'd let me take part in, but to keep Jack as far away from her as possible out of the fear that if Victoria discovered that he was turned back to normal, she'd turn him against us again, and would do so when the two of us were fighting, to make my odds impossible to win, to make me die.

But that I would kill Victoria, or I'd die trying. But that, worst case would be she takes back over Jack again, and while I fight her, and that he would end up killing me for her, but there was no way I could've said that out loud or think it in such away that.... *Ug* Please don't had heard that.... I looked over at Edward watching to see if his facial expression would change, or if his thoughts would come into mine, but there was no change.

Then when the party was over and everyone went home. Edward took Bella home, and Jack was in his bed on his side of the room in the room we were sharing. Since forever, and then there was a knock on the door. Jack was asleep, everyone would be asleep, they follow the rules, Edward refuses rules, unless they would kill him, the only rules he follows keeps him from dying again by Aro, or the treaty by Jacob, or ones that would hurt myself or Bella, rules he decided he didn't want to break right now.

But, not the go to sleep and act human even in you vampire home rule. Come in Edward I yawned. When Edward does sleep, he sleeps with me, so then really we're all together, except Jack typically stays in his own bed and Edward has I don't think ever used his, he refuses, he keeps objects on his little sofa bed thing, that he doesn't even call a bed. That no one really calls a bed. His room really is more of a music library. Everyone else follows the rules. How'd you know it was me?

Really? Ok, it would've been obvious, BTW why are you up too? Can't sleep. Scooch over. I roll my eyes and scooch over, he crawls into the bed, and lays down next to me. BTW, that's not gonna happen. What isn't? Victoria can't take Jack back over, even if she did we'd fix him again, you know she doesn't really care about him, she just wants you out of the way, and I believe in you and that you will be able to kill her yourself. You have nothing to worry about.

Shut up, close your eyes and go to sleep darn you Edward, I tease rolling my eyes. Goodnight I call. He laughs doing as he's told wrapping his arms around me, and going to sleep. I love you little sister he says playing with my hair, and I truly am sorry for ever hurting you. He leans down to kiss my forehead and we go to sleep. Awaiting training for tomorrow, there's a long day ahead of us.

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