Our legend

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I changed (outfit 44) into something more than just casual. Like was asked off me, even though it wouldn't matter anyways. While Carlisle checked over Edward about the human patches. Considering he couldn't any longer see it and I could, that was sorta a problem. E: Let me see, he texted me. Me: Why do you care? E: Cause when you think I don't care you get offended and upset and esc. ;P Me (rolls eyes) ok, I'm coming down.

I knock on the office door. Come in princess. I poke my head in. How's the Check up going? He should be fine, his body is probably just adjusting to the effects on the blood patch thing. Come in here why don't cha, let me take a look at ya? I roll my eyes again, IDK he asked me to dress up, I'm gonna be in my wolf form the entire time. I open the door all the way, closing it behind me, making my way over to the chamber, opening it up, I brush his hair to the side, leaning down to kiss his cheek.

Then close it back up. He looks paler than usual. I'll check up on him, run some tests. Thank you. Well, I'm going now. Ok. Hold on, Edward calls. I clench my fists annoyed. Darn it! Come 'ere. Come 'ere and turn toward me. I *sigh* and turn around coming towards him in arm length. Very pretty. I'm not even really that dressed up. Can I go now? Yes, you can go now. Need me to drop you off? No, you're need to stay here Farrah will be fine, I'm not done with you Edward.

I giggle, glad that its not my turn and exit the room, closing the door behind me. Me: On my way. I text Jacob. I go exit the house, and look around, not that I have to, and run through the forest and past the line, and over to the house. Emily is there to greet me. Hello sweetie, how are you? I'm great, Jack's in his chamber thanks to Jake, and he's under lock and key under Carlisle's supervision, Edward and I tried out my mom's blood patches on him so that he could pretend to be a human. We've had quite the day.

Well come on back here and join us, Jacob and Bella should be here any min now. Are you going to transform? If I will be allowed to. Hun you don't have to ask permission, if that's what you want go for it, no one is going to stop you, not Billy nor Sam. I heard my name. Hey pup, come on back make yourself at home. Don't mind if I do I smirked transforming. Yeah, whatever. Do as you please. He says petting me.

Half an hour later, everyone has circled around, Jake and Bella have pulled up, Bella concerned on dropping in on the meeting, but Jake tells her we all thought it would benefit her to hear the original stories. Where is Farrah? He whistled for me. I heard the sharp little whistle, letting out a low growl at the sharpness of his whistle. I came running and trotted up next to him.

Let me take a look at ya, transform back if you would please. I bow my head, stretch out and transform. He helped me up, as I dusted myself off. Can you not transform without laying down? Minor set back, I said waving it off. You look really nice. Yeah, and you're in shorts and a hoodie. I know. IDK why I'm dressing up, if I'm just gonna stay in my wolf form. He rolled his eyes, and Seth came over.

He introduced Bella to Seth as the two wrestled for a little bit. His dad called us over and we came to sit down. I held my necklace and transformed back. We sat and listened to Jake's dad tell the story of their tribe, and how their magic awakens inside of them when a cold one is near. That, himself and our mother used to be the exception to the rule, and now myself, who they call kin. They all turned to me, Jacob gave a short gentle whistle to get my attention as he patted his leg to have me come to him.

I obeyed, and laid down by him, as he reached down to pet me. He reassured us all, that something was coming, something terrible. When Jacob returns us back to the Cullen place, we watch the news, and discuss with Bella what newborns are, and try to decide who would be trying to create an army, and if things weren't stopped Aro and his clan would get involved and we couldn't have that, that maybe we thought they were the ones behind it, that if Aro wanted, Alice and Edward, or myself on his side, that an army would fix that for him.

Bella and I agreed that it was best not to wait till grad, that he had to change us now, in order for the two of us to be able to fight along side them. As I begged and pleaded with my brother to come to his senses. But the others disagreed with us, that, we'd just be a liability, and that what would happen if our parents thought we'd disappeared. How terrible that would be, that they really wanted to hold off as long as they could to change us.

Elsewhere, Riley was with the newborns trying to train them, but they were making a mess of themselves. And that evening around time for dinner after Bella went home for the night, she and her dad were wanting to order in a pizza for dinner, while they discussed what Charlie knew about this Riley case. And that, Bella invited me over to have dinner with them, which my family encouraged I'd go on over to and join them.

Edward came back over to her house later that night while they discussed Bella's concerns on what to tell people, when they would never see her again, once she's actually been transformed. During that time, I'd decided to go home so that I wouldn't be around when they were getting all lovey dovey.

The next day, Bella was with Jacob again, they were walking along the side of the beach talking about graduation, and that Bella had other choices, and Jacob told her how he felt about her and that he was sure that she felt something for him too, and then leaned in to kiss her and she hurt her hand punching him in the face, Edward showed up ready to kill him, Charlie got involved and was deeply concerned on what had happened, Jacob got sent home at some point, and Bella came back to the house.

I came downstairs (outfit 41)saw that she was hurt. I *sigh* I don't want to know, but dad's busy right now, so I'll fix it, it shouldn't take too long, please come into the office, I'll wrap it myself. Thanks, she said holding her hand. So, did you try to walk and chew gum again. I teased. She rolled her eyes. I thought you didn't want to know. I don't think I'd like my answer. You won't. When I was done, we went to go join the rest of the gang, but when some words were said, Rosalie stormed off and we followed after her, I knew she didn't like Bella, and I knew she wasn't too fond of me.

She was annoyed with both of us, on wanting to be newborns, told Bella that if she was there to go on about how exited it would be to be one of us, that go away, and talk to someone who cares, that she gets it enough from me. Rose, IDK what we did to make you hate either of us, but we just want to understand. Hate you? No, Farrah you're my sister, and the closet thing to a daughter I'll ever have, and I love you pieces she said motioning me over and hugging me, I don't particularly like Bella, but I envy you, Bella.

She tells her. Bella thinks its ridiculous that she thinks that, and Rose tells her that she's choosing wrong that we didn't have a choice, and that no matter what I'll be one of them, but that Bella has a whole life ahead of her, that she didn't care how miserable Bella's life was. That back in her time before she was frozen to be this way that her life was perfect, except all she ever wanted was to get married and have kids of her own to have a place of her own to call her own, and have children and someday grandchildren, that she'll never have, she told us her story from before she became a vampire, and then the night Carlisle "saved" her.

That she'd been abused in a relationship, from her boyfriend being drunk, and would've killed her, she'd rather had been dead, and then she met Emmet and things got better for her, but that they'll always be this, stuck in time never being able to move forward, that Bella was naïve if she thought she'd always love Edward the most, that once she's turned, once we're both turned fully that there is one thing we'll want more than anything, one thing we'd both kill for despite my training as a hybrid that, that was blood. And when she turned around and saw Bella's shocked face, she walked away satisfied, and she walked away.

Edward started driving her home. The next day would be our graduation. Carlisle spent a majority of that night in the office, I'd come down to ask him about his progress. I'd opened the chamber for him in order for him to work on Jack. I kissed his lips wishing him goodnight, Carlisle wished me goodnight and sweet dreams, he leaned down to kiss my cheek, and gave me a fatherly great big hug.

He closed the chamber, I'd returned to my room for the evening. He worked on the testing for him, then watched him, he thought he'd seen movement, or a twitch of some kind, a tap of spaz of his body awaking. He took my scarf to open the case. Jack sat up from the chamber rubbing his eyes. He wondered where he was. He looked around, he noticed and recognized Carlisle.

He remembered what Victoria had done to him, and what she'd made him do. . I hurt her, he mumbled. He sat with my uncle and talked with him, they asked each other questions, Jack's was how he got better, how he got here, why he wasn't still with Victoria, Carlisle's questions consisted on how he was feeling, what he remembered, and what she was planning, but Jack was unsure of her plan. They each gave each other as many answers as possible.

Jack wanted to come up and see me, but Carlisle said he wanted to check him up first and make sure there was no side effects or other dark magic in or around him. That I was hopefully asleep by now at this point, that grad was tomorrow, that they should wait till just before people arrived for the party tomorrow evening to have him reveal himself to me, that I would be so happy to see him, that we'd have a lot to catch up on that he knew I wasn't too happy about the party, that Jack would be my motivation to come down from my room for the party and that I wouldn't have to participate in the party itself, but to come down dressed up, for it, and still talk with friends, that we'd let Edward reveal Jack to me, and that we'd spend the whole night with each other, having fun and catching up.

She's never gonna trust me again after the pain I've put her through. Are you kidding? She's been trying to break your spell as if it were as easy as true loves kiss, she comes down to the chamber, and talks with you, and tells you what's been going on in our lives, keeping you in the loop, trying not to lose hope. That he should stay here in the office, and stay sleeping in the chamber, to stay away from me until then. Jack agreed. I can't wait to surprise my little Snowflake, I love her so much, I never wanted to hurt her.

She does too, and she doesn't blame you, or fear you, and she doesn't want to kill you, she wants Victoria all to herself for making you into her puppet. Sounds like Farrah. That Victoria is a personal enemy for her since as long as, as it seems 8 years old. And I'd let her do that if I were you. Then I shall, knowing Snow there is no changing her mind once it is made up, and I know no one can stop her, so I won't even try. Good, goodnight then. You will stay here all day tomorrow, until that given time, and in the meantime, I'll give you whatever it is you'll need.

Thank you Carlisle, I am forever grateful. You've very welcome. Welcome back Jack. It's good to be back.

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