Visiting mom

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After school, and after all that and all that had happened, we made our way to the police station. Where Charlie was going over the reports with Riley Biers parents, since he'd gone missing I guess just short of a little over a year ago. His poor parents were so worried, and I knew that if either of the four of my parents knew that I'd gone missing, well there would be more than just my parents worried, everyone would be worried, but I knew they'd never give up.

So what happened at school? Bella asked us. What did you and Alice see? She asked me. Trust me Bella nothing that concerns you. Hey where did you go, we all only have one class with you, and you were gone after school?! Are you ok? I'm ok. Thoughts: Now anyways. I made sure to keep my thoughts out of the "sight" of Edward reading my mind, with my shield power. What are you thinking about? Oh, nothing.

Besides it was nothing, just like she said all it was, was that I didn't need the others thinking that Alice and Farrah were strange. Me and Bella started laughing. That ship sailed a long time ago. Edward rolled his eyes. Ok, fine more strange than usual. It's nothing to be concerned about. But I wanna know. Hey, Edward said starting to change the topic, what's going on in there? A kid our age Riley Biers went missing over a year ago and Charlie's doing everything he can to help.... Do you know about this?

There have been lots of unexplained killings and disappearances near the Seattle area, and if it starts getting more out of hand, Aro and his clan will have to step in. No! That's not ok, they could come here and see that Bella's still human! I cried. Sh, sh it won't have to come to that, we're tracking the situation, we're doing our best, as best as we possibly can. She's right though if they'll go to Seattle they can come here too, they WILL see that I'm not human.

Oh Bella don't you and your sister have any faith in any of us? He laughed, ruffling my hair. Hey?! I told you both we've got it under control. Hey Bella, hi Farrah. Are you ready for dinner Bella? Is it still just gonna be us tonight? Yeah I think so, unless you're gonna join us Farrah? Um, ok I can do that sure. Is that ok with you guys? Fine with me what about your body guard? Edward? Go on, it will be fun. And Bella our parents wanted to remind you about the airline that got you for your birthday, and it expires soon so you might want to use it this weekend.

I can't just drop everything and go. What airline ticket? A round trip to see mom in FL. That sounds like a great idea, to go leave town and get some distance. It might be your only chance to see her before you graduate. That's fine, but I want the two of you to use the two other tickets to come with me. There's 3? Gee that makes me so happy. Well dad you could go too, if you wanted too. We could spend this weekend as a family. Thoughts: FL alone, as in without Edward? Without anything or anybody to distract me from the heat and sun, I can't go some place hot and sunny without someone like me! If he's not going I'm not going either.

I started to get really nervous, my heart rate sped up. My face got paler than usual. Breathe, it's ok, he won't want to go anyways, they're divorced for a reason, Edward whispered into my ear, playing with my hair. Just breathe Farrah everything is going to be ok. I'll be there, beside you the entire time, you won't go and do something like that by yourself. We'll take everything we need for you to go. What's wrong? She won't go without one of us, she gets sick being out in the sun and heat. She can't go alone, without a Cullen family member.

He rubbed my back whispering sweet nothings into my ear, helping me calm down, his cold touch was soothing. You're burning up we need to get you Carlisle, he whispered. After dinner I whispered back. If you think you can last that long. I went over to have dinner, and when I got home, we were all packing for the weekend. Your mom might also have stuff for you at her house. But we're gonna pack everything you would need just in case. It's always good to over prepared.

I smiled a weak smile, Edward you don't have to go into complete panic mood every time something goes wrong, you're not my parent, you're my brother, the parenting should be left to the parents, not have all the pressure on you to take care of me, even if, if we were human and something bad to our parents, or myself and our parents weren't around to help the problem, that I know you wouldn't hesitate to fill in and put yourself in that role, you're the best big brother ever, and I love you, but please just be my brother, nothing bad is going to happen to us on this trip.

Don't jinx it. Edward, I swear to G-D's green Earth calm down, look at me I'm fine. Feel this? I asked taking his hand and putting to my chest. My heart is beating, and my lungs and flowing oxygen. I'm cold to the touch, and I'm not overheating. Do you smell that? What? Exactly I'm not bleeding or hurt, or injured or broken, nothing is wrong with me. Unless I'm hurt, or feeling sick, or I stop breathing or my heart stops beating then you can worry, but not this weekend because we'll be with my mom, and my PARENT will take great care of me. Ok, ok I got it. I just I love you so much and I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

I know you don't but don't stress yourself out. You're my sister I'm always going to worry about you. I can't let what happen before happen again. It won't. We finally got on a plane to go to FL to see mom, mom welcomed us, and showed us around, Edward and I were covered head to toe in clothing and our special vampire sunscreen, because that's a thing. I had a scarf, hat and sun glasses, Edward just wore a pair of sun glasses. He didn't seem to care as badly as I did.

Isn't you're wearing a little much? No, not at all. Children come inside, I'll show you around. Bella's room is in purple, Farrah yours is in gothy fun dark colors, and Edward yours is.... Not important, because I won't be using it anyways. You're precious, my sister called, and so I set up a room for you too, it's the one between the girls in red and black. There's a bed and everything. That you will be using, because I'm supposed to report back to my sister when this is all over.

Edward rolled his eyes. The two of you are free to sit inside all weekend as long as you please, just don't kill each other, and if you need us we'll be outside, neither of you try to eavesdrop. No promises. Edward, come on. I whined. I'm just being honest. You should both go busy yourselves with something to do. Like what? I can teach you how to pretend to be human, I was a vampire once before, I had to learn how to eat real food aside from blood. I don't need to eat while I'm here.

Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Farrah can teach you if that would be better? She's a.... Go ahead say it. A well you know, she's never had that problem. Use this. Mom says going into the cabinet. What's this? You wear it on your skin, kind of like one of those health patches, except you can eat human food and keep it down, so that you can act and behave like a human without acting and behaving like a human. I got them from my brother in law. So Carlisle. Yep.

How long have you had these? A while, she says winking at Edward. Oh boy a while. Yeah, yeah I get the play on words. Outside Bella and mom talk. Aren't you gonna miss this Bella? The sun and heat soaking up your pours? Yeah, but they have a good Science program out in Alaska. Bella, I'm not dumb I know that it's for everyone's own good, I'm just saying that with you guys gone all the time I'm never gonna see you girls. I miss my girls.

We're gonna miss you too mom. Bella turns back inside to watch us, as we give her a small wave. She smiles at us. It's just that, the way they watch you, or even the way he watches Farrah, it's like he's willing to jump in front of a bullet for you, and I'm sure Farrah would do the same. Those two, goodness, talking to Esme, I could hear Emmett in the background teasing them about being connected all the time. That sounds like Emmett Bella laughs. Farrah's gone through some hard times. I know mom, BTW is that a bad thing, that we're all so close.

No Bella, it's just kind of an intense thing, you move they move, I'm sure it's hard to live with Farrah with her blood so different, as close as they are I can only imagine how long it must've took for any of them Edward especially, to get used to her scent, even as twins you oddly enough don't have the same type of blood, I'm not sure how that's possible, but it could be her powers, they might have had something to do with it, she's half so she smells different. I'm sure it's hard to not just to want to eat her up.

He's never showed any signs, but in the beginning he did warn me that he'd never wanted someone's blood so much, and that he's craved mine and Farrah's blood before. Ok, ok enough with the heavy I have a present for all of you. All four of you, yes including you Edward, I know you can hear us in there, our mom laughed. Get Farrah's attention and come out for a sec. Farrah? Your mom's calling us out. K! Mom you didn't have to do this, we don't want you spending any money.

I didn't. Bella come on open the present. They're our old trip shirts sowed into a quilt. Edward, this is for you I don't need it and it will last a long time before you have to go back out and get more and you can keep the other half to store other things in it, for safe keeping. Open it. You didn't need to get me anything. Oh, but I did anyways, and when you go on your own trips you'll all add to it, and when you make your own family, which will end up like how Farrah turned out, as a well you know. They wouldn't dare say the word in front of me.

They knew how I felt toward using that term. Mom you're assuming we're gonna get married and have our own kids. Well I can't imagine why not. You can't be a part from each other for probably even an hr. No, I think you're mistaking me for my sister. We're not that intensely close. Think again Bella, when was the last time any of you spent time apart, aside from when they left, or one or the other of you just alone with Farrah?

They looked at each other than back at me. I think I know what I'm talking about Bella. Open the chest Edward. He shook his head trying not to laugh. Thank you, he laughed, this is great. Where did you get these? Blood doesn't go bad, and sometimes the cravings come and go, I have my own stash, hidden in a secret compartment where only I know, but this is all for you, it's your choice to share it among the other Cullen's. This is for Jacob. Hey look at that?! Aw, Bella cooed.

What? It's a picture of us in a special frame. It's not just that picture, I had help, but it's a bunch of pictures of the two you of you, or him and Farrah too in there, of a endless slideshow. That was a picture of us, when we were 8 years old, in the front the very first one, we were covered in mud, making mud pies, we were so filthy, but we loved it, who knew the little kid I'd grown up with ended up being a werewolf. Wow, total game changer.

And Farrah, my little vampire, you didn't think I'd forget about you? Of course not mom. This (bracelet) has been passed on from generation to generation. I held out my wrist and she put it on. Wow that's so pretty. I'm glad you like it, because, it has a friend that goes with it (necklace)She had me lift my hair and put it around my neck, and the it didn't get tangled with anything else I would've had on. Thank you mom. They're beautiful.

Yeah thanks al lot. Aw you guys, it's no big deal. Come on everyone group hug. We all hugged our mom, that means you too Edward, oh no I.... I pulled his arm into the hug. See, this isn't so bad. Oh mom we miss you. I miss you too babies. Anytime you want to come visit, don't even hesitate, grab Farrah's hand and she'll teleport here, more like a geo leap, but you get the idea. Really? Does this mean we don't have to take the plane back? No, the tickets are nonrefundable. Darn. Wait how do you know that? Back in AZ, when Jack was still around, that dance studio you all went too, they used to go all the time, they always came to come visit me, before Phil and I moved. We'll have to try that sometime.

Yeah but in the meantime, let's order some pizza, Edward you can try out those food patch things I was telling you about, and join us. Then we're gonna watch a movie and go to bed, that means all of you. Yes mom. Ok mom. Edward? Ok whatever, whatever makes you girls all happy. But I'm not staying in my own room, I'll stay with Farrah. As long as you go to sleep. After that day, the weekend seemed to fly right by, we had a lot of fun, I just wish I could say the same for the others.

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