Mall ( m.w )

596 4 29

Warning ⚠️ smut ⚠️

Me and the party were sitting in Mikes basement, max, Lucas and dustin on the big couch. Will, and el on the smaller, while me and my boyfriend mike sat on top of the table making out.

"Mikeeee." I moaned into the kiss forgetting everyone was there, I think mike did too because he started rubbing my ass.

"You guys are disgusting.." max said as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, max was the best out of the group. However she could sometimes be a bitch due to the fact me and mike were dating.

"We're gonna go to the mall, u guys coming' ?" Will said as he stood up along with el, the rest nodded as me and mike literally humped one another on the table.

Eventually we all stood up and rode our bikes to star. Court.

We all walked around just admiring the beautiful place, with all the people dressed fancy walking around. It was amazing.

"We're gonna go over here and look." Max said referring to her and el pointing to the lingerie store. They both ran over and walked into the store, while Dustin, Lucas and Will were already in the comic store.

"You wanna have a quickie in the bathroom?" Mike whispered in my ear, I nodded and we walked to the bathroom together.

He pushed me into a stall roughly kissing my neck leaving dark Marks on my skin, he started to unbutton his shirt and take his shorts off. I stood there impatiently rubbing my heat against his thigh.

After we were both partly undressed he lifted my leg up and thrusted his hard cock into my wet pussy, he went super fast while his hand was covering my mouth.

"MICHEAL WHEELER!" We beard a familiar voice say, he pulled out and turned to the open stall door.  There was standing Steve, robin, max, el, will, Lucas, and dustin.

"Oh my god.." I said as I quickly got dressed and rushed out the stall.

Mike followed me as we both got out and was embarrassed, we rode home leaving the party. Finishing what we had started when we got to his house.

A/n: yeah I just wrote that bullshit, yay. 😃

Word count: 376

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