FWB ( m.f ) part 2

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Warning ⚠️Small smut, Self-harm, nothing else  I don't think


"Oh yeah miles." I said as I felt his fingers going in and out of me.

"Shhhh baby." He said attaching his lips to my clit.
I moaned as he fastened his movements.

"I'm gonna cum miles." I whined as he kept going, I came for the first time. He still kept going, but even faster. That's when I saw the door fling open, revealing this ugly bitch jake.

"Oh fuck look at this shit, y/n and miles gettin it on." He smirked as he signaled his goons too come in.

I quickly got up, miles pulled away. Miles walked up to jake and kicked him in the nuts, and all it took was him to look at the other two. They both ran while jake sat there holding his crotch whining loudly.

"Get the fuck out." Miles said as jake crawled away (HELP WTF WHY HE CRAWLING 😭😭😭)

"Damn Mi-" I was cut off by the intercom.

"Miles Fairchild and y/n y/l/n! To the front now!" The head called.

We both ran down to the front stepping in the office, we sat away from each other not making anything obvious.

"You young children......having sex in my school?" Mr. Connell asked as he tapped his pen on the desk.

"Sir it isn't like that, we swear. We're just friends." I said defensively. I knew we were getting kicked out, and miles would blame me. How did they even find out that fast.

"I saw it, the cameras. We do have cameras." Connell said as he brought out papers.

"You both are gone, I want you gone. You will both fill out these papers stating you're leaving this boarding school." Connell said handing us both separate papers, we were fucked. I looked over to miles as I saw him with a angry look.

We sat there for about 30 minutes filling out the papers, when we got done we handed them to Connell. He took them and signaled us to leave and go pack, we both got up and miles pushed me into the wall as he walked out.


We just got done packing, I was scared to go to miles but I knew I had to. I walked over to his room and knocked, no answer. I knocked again, no answer. So then I walked in.

"FUCKING SHIT Y/N GET OUT!" Miles yelled as he covered his hands that dropped with blood, I started walking towards him.

"Miles baby what happened, what happened." I said grabbing his hands as he jerked them away.

My baby was miserable, he was sad, he missed his parents, he missed his sister, he missed everything. My poor baby Miles......


Should I continue this? I don't know it sucks. 🙂

Word count: 472

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