Chapter 3

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   It was over I guess. No money, no food, no nothing. Just me, and my old front yard. Yes, I was camping out in the front yard. I had no where else to go. So I stayed at the one place I could. I don't think my parents noticed yet, and that didn't bother me, it was actually buying me time to figure out something to say that would convince them to let me stay. But I guess they had noticed. They called the Police on me. Could you believe that, calling the Police on their own daughter? They should be ashamed!

   Well, as I was being carried into the Police car. Yes, I said carried. I might have put up a bit of a fuss as they were telling me to get off of my parents lawn. They said I was trespassing, but I was trying to tell them that I lived there and my parents were just a tiny bit mad at me, and that's when the two officers decided to start carrying me. Okay okay, that might not have been all that had happened, but it didn't matter now. My parents officially wanted nothing to do with me anymore. I was a drunk, 23, and had nothing good going on in my life. 

   The Police Officers drove me to the closest Mc Donald's and told me that I couldn't go back to the house, unless I wanted to go to lock up for trespassing. I told them okay and they drove off. But what I was really thinking, was that I would go back once they'd cooled down. Everything was going to work out. It was going to be okay.

   As I was loitering around the Mc Donald's for half an hour. I decided that it was finally time to start walking home. Once I made it, I knocked on the front door and no one answered. So I went to look under the front door mat for the back up key, and thankfully they must have forgotten about it, because it was right there. I grabbed it and began to unlock the front door when someone opened it. It was my Mom. Something seemed different about her, was it her hair, her clothes? No, it was a fucking kitchen knife in her hand! She looked me directly in the eyes and said "Caroline! Get the hell off of my lawn or else I'll have to use force!" Without thinking I said "What the hell is wrong with you! You're not actually going to to hurt me are you? I'm your dau-" She did it. She ran towards me and slashed me with the knife. Was she on Crack or something? She's insane! Psycho! A lunatic! "WHAT THE FUCK MOM?! DID YOU JUST CUT ME?!" She began to close the door before she said "Don't come back here, I'm warning you!"

   Had my Mother gone insane? What the hell was going on? Was she really that mad at me? 

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