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Chapter 1

"I am a river."

"I am a river," I repeat with a deep breath.

"I am a calm, gentle stream." 

I take a deep breath, "I am a calm-" My eyes snap open as my obnoxious ring tone brings me out of my zen moment. I let out a huff of air before standing up and grabbing my phone off the table. "What?" 

"I was going to ask how the mediation was going... but I think I got my answer."

I roll my eyes, "Ha-ha very funny Peter. For your information, the mediation is going great."

"Are you still a river?" I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

I smack my lips together, "Yes, Peter I am still a river. I haven't gotten to the next meditation yet."

"You've been on that one for three weeks now."

"I know... it's just. It's hard to admit that I'm a river, you know. I've always pictured myself more of a fire kinda girl." 

He lets out a deep breath, "You know when you asked me to help you. I didn't think I would be talking about you having an identity crisis."

"Well, you're not. That's Derek's job. You just have to teach me how to be a stronger werewolf that's all." It's silent for a moment as I go to grab the note off the table.

"Nina, you do realize Derek's not here right?" He asks slowly.

I roll my eyes, "Yes I am aware of that, Peter." My eyes glance over the note for the hundredth time in the past few weeks. "Derek is visiting Cora, without me I might add."

The audacity of Derek to suddenly leave and go visit my twin sister by himself after everything I've been through... I might have to forget I'm a river when he returns.

"So that just leaves me to do all the dirty work then?"

"You and this stu- I mean relaxing set of mediations."

"It's working already I see. Have you been doing what I told you?"

"Yes, Peter." I roll my eyes. "It was so great to talk to you but I gotta go."

"Nina m-" I hang up the phone and shake my head. Sometimes I wonder why I asked him to help me in the first place. I've learned some great things from him but is it worth the constant annoyance... probably not. I turn the meditation on and get seated back on the bed. 

"I am a river."

"I am a river," I repeat 

"I am a calm, gentle stream."

"I am a calm, gentle stream." I breathe out as I start to feel my body relaxing.

"I carve my own path."

"I-" My head falls backward as the loft alarm begins blaring. "Seriously?" I get up and turn it off as footsteps approach the door. I quietly make my way towards it and flick out my claws. The door swings open. I freeze. It feels like all the air has been knocked out of my lungs as I stare at the person in front of me. He looks up into my eyes with his wide ones. "Scott..." I drawl out as I keep looking at him. 

Come on use your words...

"Hi." I manage to get out as I put my claws away.

"Hi." The corner of his lip quirks up. "I didn't know you'd be here." He smiles sheepishly.

"You didn't want me to be here?"

His eyes widen slightly, "No... I just thought no one was here."

I furrow my brows, "So you were planning on breaking in?"

I am the Prey  ~ S.M [ 2]Where stories live. Discover now