Chaste Kiss

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Chapter 4 

"The table's Italian." Peter glares at Braeden's pristine black boots on the table.

"So are these boots." She says nonchalantly. "Are we gonna talk interior design and fashion, or are we going to talk numbers?" 

A smile overtakes my lips, "I like this one." Peter throws a blank look my way before looking down at the pad of paper in front of him. My eyes turn to the side to see Derek looking at his reflection in his glasses.

it must be eating him to know what happened...

Peter slides the piece of paper over to her. She glances from the paper to Peter before scribbling down another number and passing it over to him.

"We're hiring you to find Kate, not assassinate the President."

"I was hired by the Calaveras to find Kate. You're hiring me to find her first. Going against the Calaveras is what's going to cost you."

"That's actually a fair point." I quirk my head at Peter who scoffs and writes down a new number. She doesn't even look at the paper before sliding it back over to him. Peter lets a breath before standing up from the couch.

"We'll pay." Derek tears the paper up. "Just find Kate, that's all we want." She nods her head before walking out the door. Peter slams it shut and whips his head around to him.

"Are you insane?"

"We don't have a choice." Derek keeps his back to him. "We spent a week looking for her and came up with nothing."

"If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back." He begins slowly approaching Derek. "What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!" He puts a hand on Derek's shoulder and roughly spins him around. Derek reacts quickly and grabs onto his arm before roaring in his face. His eyes glowing amber. "Oh, that's a new look for you. What happened to your eyes?"

"I don't know. But I'm willing to pay to find out."

"I actually have a bone to pick with you, Derek." I take a step in front of Peter. Derek shakes his head and turns back to the window.

"What about?"

"Why didn't you tell me you had trouble with the full moon when we were younger?" his body stiffens before he turns around slowly.

"How did you know about that?"

"You were turned back to being a teenager, remember? Around the time you were teaching me." I let out a huff of air. "Derek, you said you had it under control?"

"Derek and control?" Peter scoffs as he walks back to the couch. "Those were two words never destined to be in the same sentence." 

I look back to Derek and raise my brows, "Care to explain?"

He's silent for a few moments as his eyes travel around the loft, "Look, I knew you needed help with control. You know, Cora always managed but you never could learn how to control it. I couldn't see you in pain anymore. The way you cried yourself to sleep days before a full moon I... I had to help you."

"But what about you?" My voice comes out softer than I thought. "You were struggling Derek."

"So were you."

"He's too stubborn." Peter pipes up from the couch. "And ironically so are you."

"Thank you, Derek." I look back at his eyes. "For helping me."

"And now it's me helping her. Look how things come full circle." Peter smiles smugly from the couch.

"What?" Derek furrows his brows. "He's helping you now?"

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