The Aftermath

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Chapter 26 

"Derek!" I scream out as my eyes move around the chaotic landscape. About 5 extra cars are parked around the area with about a dozen more people. All hunters. "Derek!" I feel my heart thumping in my chest harder and harder. Please, no...

"Nina!" A voice, like music to my ears, sounds. Derek steps out from behind a car as he slips a shirt on his body.

"Derek!" I waste no time in sprinting over to him and wrapping him in a bear hug. "I'm so glad you're alive and okay and-" I pause as it suddenly hits me. "Wait a minute..." I take a step back and stare at the spot where a gaping wound was staring back at me only a few hours ago. "Wha- did you heal?"

"I'd show you... But I don't feel like going naked again."

I take a big step back and raise my hands, "Um... Again? Derek, what the hell were you doing?"

"This guy over here can turn into a regular house pet," Braeden says stepping forward and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"A regular house pet? What the hell does tha- You can turn into a dog!"

"A wolf, actually." He corrects throwing a look over at Braeden. "As it turns out I didn't lose my powers. I was evolving."

"Just like mom." I smile up at him. "She'd be proud of you." We pause for a moment, lost in our thoughts before I continue, "I just wish the process didn't involve you getting injured. But I guess I should be thankful you didn't die."

"I did die." He deadpans causing my eyes to shoot to him.

"Wait you actually died?" I gape at him before moving forward and punching his chest multiple times, "Derek... you... little-"

He grabs a hold of my hands to stop me from hitting him, "Maybe you don't want to punch the person that just came back from the dead."

"You were dead, Derek. Dead."

"And now I'm alive again, so would you just stop punching me." I slowly lower my fists before rushing forward and pulling him into another bone-crushing hug. "I'm glad you're okay."

"I promised you didn't I." He says before he pauses all of a sudden, "Wait a minute, what happened to 'Derek you son of a-'" He says in a mocking voice.

I pull back the hug to look up at him with a smirk, "Guess you could say I'm evolving."

He rolls his eyes, walking back to the van while muttering something under his breath.

With a smile still on my face, I turn and walk over to Scott who has emerged from the temple with the rest of the team, "He's doing okay."

He wraps his arms around me and brings me closer to his chest, "And how are you?"

"A bit bloody but still okay," I reply, moving back to stare into his eyes. I bring my hand up and run it down his cheek, "I'm so glad you're alive."

A goofy smile appears on his lips, "Are we going to talk about what happened?"

"About what?" I tease, wiggling my eyebrows, before I shake my head and continue, "Yeah, we should probably talk about it. But back in Beacon Hills. After I get some coffee in me." My eyes then fall back to his. This whole situation has really made me fall in love with his eyes all over again. I don't know why I did in the first place. Maybe because they're so comforting? Or maybe because I know that whenever I'm around them I feel safe and secure.

The sound of a struggle brings my attention back to the temple entrance. A stab of pain hits my heart as I watch Peter being dragged out by 2 hunters. The only way I know he's still conscious is his constant noncoherent blubbering about always being the Alpha. I swear I hear my name being thrown around but his speech is such a mess I can't be sure.

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