Lacrosse Tryouts

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Chapter 5

"Okay listen up!" Coach calls as we all surround him. "Next, we're to do some shooting practice okay? One-on-ones. So..." His eyes scan the crowd before landing on a guy on the outskirts of the group. "You grab a long stick. The rest of you, get on the field." I run to the center and stand behind Stiles.

"All puked out now?"

"I still have a little more in me if you want some?" He quirks his head before going to pick up a lacrosse ball with the basket but fails... miserably. He then results in picking the ball up with his hand and placing it in the basket. He looks to the goal before swinging his best shot.

I bite my lip as the ball lands directly into the goalie's basket. Stiles stares forward for a few moments before walking past me. I pat his shoulder before picking up one of the balls. I hear a few random chatters behind me as I get ready to throw it.

Come on...

I take a step before swinging the lacrosse stick forward.


I let out a huff of air as it hits the top pole before falling to the ground next to the net. Snorts of laughter sound from behind me. I whip my head around with a glare but it fades as my eyes catch Scott nudging them with his lacrosse stick. I bite my lip before going to join him and Stiles.

"I mean... you almost got it in," Stiles remarks.

I roll my eyes, "Oh really, you're one to talk."

"I'll have you know, my move was planned. Precisely." Scott pats his shoulder before his eyes focus behind me. I follow his gaze to see Liam about to shoot. "You know, maybe he's only good in goal. You know, just totally useless on the rest of the field."

"Somehow I find that very unlikely." Liam takes his shot and the ball goes flying right past the goalie straight into the net. "That sounds about right."

"Maybe he's just perfect at everything. I hate this kid." Stiles smacks his lips together.

"You don't have to hate him." Scott shrugs. "The team needs new players."

"What about a new team captain?" Scott's eyes widen before he walks determinedly to the front of the line. He picks up a lacrosse ball before taking a few steps forward and swinging the stick. I hold my breath as the ball goes flying towards the net. Closer and closer until...


A wince escapes my lips as the ball knocks into the side pole. Laughter erupts from the peanut gallery. I whip my head towards them before stomping on the loudest one's toes. He shrieks before hobbling away from me. I keep my glare focused on the remaining few as the noise begins dying down.

"That's what I thought."

One guy obviously didn't get the memo as he feels the need to call out, "Nice McCall!"

"Hey, Garret. Shut up." Stiles remarks. After a few more players It becomes my turn again. I let out a breath before grabbing a lacrosse ball.

"Who wanted to let a girl play?" A guy behind me whispers.

"Does she really think she can be a part of the team?" Another one chimes in with a laugh. I bite down on my lip as anger begins bubbling in my chest.


"I'm sorry, you want to do what now?" Peter does a double-take as I string my lacrosse stick.

"It seems like fun." I shrug my shoulders.

"So does ripping my eyeballs out." I roll my eyes. "Let me remind you how violent this game is and we all know what a little bit of anger does to someone like you."

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