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Chapter 25 

My eyes dart around the old decrepit building wildly, but my mind can't seem to focus. It keeps flashing back to Derek's frail body lying next to Braeden. All I want to do is turn around and rush back out to him. I need to be with him. He's dying. Derek is dying.

Shut up! Derek isn't going to die. Just keep going forward. You need to save Scott and Kira. Oh god, what happens if they're dead too?

"Nina?" Stiles' voice sounds from up ahead. "Are you-"

"We need to find Scott." I force, wiping my stray tears and continuing to walk on. "We need to find him before Derek... before-"

He reaches out and grabs my arm before I can walk past him, "Hey, hey, just breathe, okay? We'll find Scott. We'll find Kira. And we'll save Derek. We can do it, we always do."

"But what if we're wrong? What if Derek is going to die? What if Scott and Kira are already dead?"

"They're not gonna die, okay?" His voice sounds harder than I'm used to. "We'll get through this. All of us." His expression falters for a moment before he gives a slight shake of the head. "We will." He confirms.

I take a deep breath before rushing off after him down the tunnel. Just focus on Scott and Kira. Just focus on saving them.

We run through the abandoned church and then down another tunnel covered in debris, cobwebs, and overgrown plants. If I was in a better mindset I would probably be severely freaked out. But right now... I don't even know how I feel.

Suddenly Peter, who is in front, whips around to face us, "Okay, everyone, stop. Stop, stop, stop, stop. We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Kira."

"Well, how do we do that? There's not exactly a GPS to this place?" I speak up before a sudden ringing sounds.

"How do I even have service?" Stiles mutters, pulling his phone out and taking a few steps away from us. "Hi, Dad..." 

Peter looks over at me with a look of pure annoyance, "Is he serious?"

"Just let him talk to his dad." I roll my eyes, taking a deep breath. My gaze moves around the tunnel, skipping over Malia and Liam's faces. I don't want their sympathetic looks, cause no one is dying... Right?

This is stupid. I hate that we're stuck in this maze-like place with people's lives literally on the line. Every second that ticks feels like a second wasted.

Stupid Berserkers. Stupid Kate. We wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for them. We would all still be in Beacon Hills. Scott and Kira would be safe. Derek wouldn't be dying and he'd still be a Werewolf. It's all her fault.

"I hate her." I seethe under my breath.

"Kate?" Peter's voice sounds as he takes a step closer to me. 

"Yeah. Her."

He pauses for a moment, before meeting my eyes again, "What would you do if you saw her?"

"She won't be walking away that's for sure." I snap. I don't care about what I promised Argent. Right now I can't think of anything else than ripping her flesh. 

Stiles hangs up the phone and walks back over to us with uncertainty on his features. I don't know what his phone call was about but I'm sure he got an earful from one angry Sherriff.

"What do we do now?" Liam asks looking over with a defeated sigh.

"Duck!" Malia suddenly shouts, pushing Liam down. Just then a Berserker launches itself in their direction. Anger fills my chest as I watch it smash into the wall.

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