Borderline Idiotic

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Chapter 14

"And what do we have here?" I smirk as I make my way down the loft stairs.

"Shh, she's still sleeping." Derek scolds me from his spot near Braeden, who is lying soundlessly asleep in his bed.

"But why is she in your bed, Mr. I don't like her?" I cross my arms over my chest and look between him and Braeden.

"She's still recovering and I decided to bring her here." He gets up from the bed and turns to face me. "It's not what you think. I'm just-"

"Protecting your investment. I know." I raise my brows at him, not at all buying what he's saying. "It's sweet how you're watching over her."


"I know, I know." I raise my hands. "Your investment." Derek rolls his eyes before motioning to the bag over my shoulder.

"Where're you going?"

"I'm going to get some special training from a hunter." A smile overtakes my lips, "You better watch out Derek, I might be coming after you."

"I don't think you'd stand a chance as a hunter." He says with a head shake.

"Why not?" I place a hand over my heart. "I've seen enough of them to be qualified by now."

A smile appears on his lips but it's soon replaced by a frown, "What's got you in such a good mood anyway?"

I shrug my shoulders, "It's a beautiful day."

His face fills with suspicion as he follows me towards the door. "Really?"

"Yes, Derek. Now if you excuse me. I have to become a hunter." I give him a last smile before walking out the door. "Oh and Derek." I stop and turn to him. "Don't watch her sleep. It's creepy."

"I wasn't watching her sleep!" He defends as I continue walking further away from him.

"Shh." I scold him with a smile, receiving an eye roll in return.

I get to my bike and make my way to the address Argent sent me. It's a fairly small building on the side of a busy road. I get off my bike and knock on the door. After a few moments, Argent appears and motions me inside the room.

"Is this your gym?" I ask looking around the spacious room. The walls and floors are all grey with mirrors lining a few of the walls. Cushioned mats and a couple of black punching bags are scattered around the area. A few loose machines are littered along the side but don't look like they are used much anymore.

"We used to do training here for new hunters. I sold the building to an old friend when I left but he still lets me use it every now and then." He reaches onto the table and picks up a pair of hand wraps. "So tell me again, you're not doing this because you want to kill Kate?"

"Argent, I promise you. I'm not going to kill Kate." I confirm. He nods his head and places the wraps onto my hand. "Put these on."

I am going to kill someone though... A voice sounds throughout my head.

Am I going to kill her?

For some reason killing that hunter doesn't feel as right as it used to. Do I actually want to go through all that trouble just to kill one lousy hunter?

But what about Leo?

I don't have to kill her to get justice for Leo. If I get her arrested instead, then she'll spend years rotting away in jail. Not everything has to result in murder. It'll be the perfect way. Leo gets his justice, she gets what she deserves and I still get to be with Scott without this dark cloud hanging over us.

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