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Chapter 12

"Wait... you're at the hospital?" I ask into the phone while standing outside the school doors.

"Yeah, Braeden, she's... she's pretty badly hurt." Derek breathes out.

"But why are you still with her. There are doctors, nurses- unless..." I figure out getting a smirk on my lips.

"Unless what?"

"Unless you're starting to like her."

"Nina." He scolds, his voice rising.

"Ah, so you do like her." A smile overtakes my lips.

"I don't like her. I'm just... protecting my investment."

"Mmhm." I roll my eyes even though I know he can't see me. "You know if you do like her, I wouldn't be mad. She seems like a good person... a little callous at times, but she's good for you." My eyes fall upon Scott entering the school doors along with Kira, Malia, and Stiles. "Anyway, I'll call you back. I have a stupid exam to write now."

"Good luck, I know you'll do great." I'm about to hang up the phone but he mutters out a quick, "Thank you," before the line goes quiet.

Hmm I think he actually does like her

I wipe the smile off my face and enter the school building, "You ready?" Scott asks, studying my features.

"I guess... I didn't really study."

"What about all those notes Lydia sent you?" Stiles adds.

"I mean I read through them, that doesn't mean I learned anything."

"Speaking of Lydia, where is she?" Kira asks looking around at the other students in the line.

"She took it her freshman year."

"Does that mean I could have taken it some other time?" Malia says with hope glittering in her eyes.

"Malia, you studied harder for this than any of us." Scott tries to reassure her.

"Definitely more than I did," I speak up.

"Doesn't mean I'm gonna do good."

"Well." Stiles says.

"Well, what?"

"It's do well, not do good."

"Oh, god," Malia says looking more annoyed than anything.

"Okay, okay." Scott intervenes. "We're doing this because while we're trying not to die, we still need to live. If I survive high school, I'd like to go to college. A good college." My eyes fall down to the floor as I suddenly become aware of something...

What do I want to study? What do I want to do with my life? I've never had time to actually think about my future. To be honest, there were times when I never even thought I would live this long. What happens if I decide I actually want to go to college and I ended up doing badly on this test?

My stomach begins twisting into knots. I really wished I studied harder...

"It's only three hours. We can survive three hours." Kira says. Stiles shakes his head and I can't help but agree.

The line moves quickly along and soon I find myself in the front of the classroom next to the examiner and Lydia's mother. I follow Malia in front of me and place my thumb into the pad of ink before placing it on the front cover of the test booklet. I look up at the examiner to see a disturbing smile overtake his lips.


I grab a few pencils and plop my phone in the bag Ms. Martin holds out. I send her a half-smile before making my way to the seat behind Scott. His eyes meet mine with a smile forming on his lips.

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