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Chapter 10

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles exclaims in the midst of chaos.

"He's vomiting up this yellow substance so I'm gonna guess he was poisoned." I pant out as I try to hold down Brett's body. 

"He was, by a rare Wolfsbane. I need to make an incision, and you need to hold him as still as possible." I fight with Brett as his body keeps violently convulsing.

"Hey, Derek? How about a little Werewolf strength?" Stiles quips.

"Yeah, I'm not the only one here with Werewolf strength."

I roll my eyes, "Well, Derek I'm trying my best here."

"I was talking about Brett."


"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him." Deaton interrupts with urgency in his voice.

"I think he's slipping," Stiles exclaims trying to get a grip on the Beta. "I don't think I can hold him." Brett's wide amber eyes suddenly meet mine. He lashes out causing me along with everyone else to go flying backward. My back hits the counter as I fall onto the floor next to Stiles, who helps me back to my feet. Brett jumps off the table and darts his eyes widely around at us.

"Brett, listen to me you're going to be okay. I-" Peter suddenly enters the room and punches him square in the face, causing him to fall to the ground completely unconscious. "-promise."

Peter lowers his fist, his eyes returning back to their normal color, "I guess I still have a little Werewolf strength myself."

"Yeah, maybe more than a little. Why is he here anyway?" Derek glares at him.

"I called him," I speak up glancing at the pair. "For backup, you know."

"We could get better help than him." Derek quips, before glancing down at his arm. I follow his gaze to see three long scratches on his forearm.

"Hey, Doc, I don't think he's breathing," Stiles says, shifting my attention. Deaton kneels down along with Stiles next to Brett. He takes the knife straight to his chest and makes a long incision down the center of his exposed skin. Yellow smoke escapes the wound along with Brett's gasps. I shift my gaze up to Derek to see him glancing back down at his wound which only now begins to heal.

Why did it take so long?

"Is he okay?" Stiles says bringing me back.

"I think he'll be fine, but probably out for a little while." 

"Guys, can you hear that?" Stiles brings up, causing Brett's mumbling to fill my ears. "I think he's saying something."

"The sun, the moon, the truth," I inform everyone. "What does it mean?"

"'Three things cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.'" Deaton says. "It's Buddhist."

"Satomi." Peter says with a hard look.

"Satomi?" I question with furrowed brows. "You mean 'Satomi' Satomi?" My mind flashes back to the woman my mother used to invite over when I was just a little girl. The one with the terrible tea I never wanted to drink.

"That's the one."


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