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Chapter 8

"Lydia, what happened? What's going on?" I step into a white room with minimalistic furniture and a red mark staining the once pristine white carpet. "What is this room?"

"You need to see something. I've already told Scott and Stiles and they're on their way to tell Stilinski." Lydia rambles on. My eyes move around the room to see Kira and Malia sitting on a couch with matching sullen expressions.

"What?" I ask feeling my stomach start to knot.

"I was sitting listening to the record player-" My eyes follow her gaze to the device sitting against the wall, "-and I heard the key."

"For the code? The code you wrote?" I heard about it from Kira but I didn't think it would actually mean anything especially be decipherable. "Well, what was the key?"

Lydia's eyes soften before meeting my own, "Allison." And just like that the feeling in my stomach doubles. Allison's name was the key... Allison...

Lydia opens up her laptop on the table to reveal a white document with names written upon it. My eyes scan the list to see familiar ones... 

Sean Walcott... Scott McCall... Lydia Martin... Kira Yukimura... Derek Hale... Nina Hale... 

"Why are our names here? And Sean and his family... they're dead."

She looks over her shoulder and back to me, "It's a deadpool."

My heart drops into my stomach, "A-a deadpool? You mean like a hit list?"

"Of supernatural creatures," Kira speaks up from the couch.

"So if we're all on it, that means there are assassins after us? So the Mute is one of them but..." I can't bring myself to speak the next line.

"He's not the only one." Lydia finishes for me. I take a deep breath and run a hand through my hair, before looking back over to the list.

"But these numbers what do they mean?"

"Stiles thinks it could be how much you're worth," Malia says walking up next to me. "Bigger numbers are thousands while smaller ones are millions." She points over to Sean's name. "He's 250, right. That's 250 thousand." Her hand moves down to Scott's name. "He's 25, so 25 million."

"25 million dollars? To kill Scott?" I feel my heart beating harder against my rib cage.

"We think the price depends on how rare or hard they are to kill." My eyes move down to Derek's name with a 15 next to it. 15 million. My eyes travel to the next one. 

Nina Hale 30

I blink my eyes a few times... Nina Hale 30

30 million... that can't be right... there has to be a typo...

"Are you sure that's right? Maybe small numbers can be thousands too?"

"Well, Stiles doesn't think so. He thinks once we decipher all three lists that all the numbers will add up to something."

"What amo- " It makes sense now. The money that was stolen from the vault and now the deadpool. "147 million... Peter's money."

"Exactly. So small numbers are millions and big numbers are thousands." Malia finishes.

"So that means... I'm worth 30 million dollars?"

"The highest on the list." Lydia looks over at me with soft eyes.

"For now..." Kira speaks up. "We still haven't uncovered the rest of the lists yet."

"So that's what she's for," Malia speaks up pointing to a distracted Lydia.

I am the Prey  ~ S.M [ 2]Where stories live. Discover now