Part Four- Full House- Chapter 38

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Part Four

Full House

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Gage pulled himself back around the corner and scanned the other faces that stood behind him, waiting for his report. He nodded briefly at Joshua and then looked to Anton and Darren. The air was stuffy around them and hot. The smell of their clothes didn't help either. They had taken a path that assured them they wouldn't be seen. An underground route. The sewer route.

“How many of them are there?” Darren whispered. Gage waited a moment before he checked around the corner again to spy on the five six-foot guards that patrolled Galen's door.

“Five,” he answered. Anton's eyes widened and Darren froze while Josh sucked in an unsteady breath.

“We should go back and get more back-up.” Anton suggested, already turning his back. Gage reached out and pulled him back by his shirt.

“No, we can do this.” He assured them. They still looked unsure. He, himself, was a little unsure too. As far as he knew, these men hadn't had any fighting experience and Joshua had very little.

“Don't worry, they are only small.” Gage lied and waited as Anton took a deep breath and nodded. Josh watched Gage and shook his head as his brother scratched his head with his left hand and dropped his gaze to the ground.

“What's the plan?” Darren wondered. Gage snapped his gaze up from the ground and spoke.

“Three of us will block and one of us,” he pointed towards Joshua, “will get Galen out of the room.”

“I think i'd be better going in after Galen, I'm not a strong fighter.” Darren admitted, but Gage shook his head.

“No, Josh's ribs are still broken.” He explained and turned towards the corner. “Ready?” He asked over his shoulder before he peeked around to see the five guards walking up and down the hall, batons hanging from their hands. He huffed out a breath and clenched his jaw before jumping out from behind the wall.

The three other men followed him out into the sights of the guards. Anton gulped loudly when he saw that Gage had been lying.

“Welker!” he grunted through gritted teeth.

“Hey, boys! Over here!” Gage called out to teh five guards. They all glared towards them, a mixture of disgust and confusion etched onto their faces.

“What the-” The closest one began saying. His bawld head shone under the flurecent lights above. Gage quickly kicked him in the groin and winced himself as the man collapsed on the ground, his face going a beet red.

“Sorry about that..” Gage muttered as he knocked him out with a punch. He retrieved his baton and threw it to Joshua. The next one appraoched them and just in time, Gage jumped infront of Joshua and stopped the fist that had been aiming towards Josh's ribcage. Gage grunted loudly and puffed out a winded breath.

“Quick, go tell the Ruler!” One of the guards shouted to the futherest one away. “Tell him Welker is alive!” Gage brought his hands together as if he was going to volley a ball, and swung them into the guards face. He took the baton and threw it to Darren.

“Go after him!” Gage ordered as the guard began running away. Darren snapped out of his shock and caught teh baton. He dodged teh guards and started down the hallway after the guard. As the next two guards began advancing on them, Gage turned to Anton and pulled him by the shirt and placed him infront of Joshua.

“Get him in that room!” He told him and pushed the two to the side, behind himself. Gage shook his head as he looked up at the two guards; their features nearly indistinguishable surrounded by all the muscle. They chuckled among them as they took their batons into their palms and tapped them against their other hand.

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