Chapter 4

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Ok guys. I think I'm actually starting to really get into this story. I just finished a few chapters and they won't be up for a little while because i want to have sorta slow updates. The more feedback I get the faster I'll write though so keep it coming. 

Chapter 4:

After Zayn had ran away from my house that weekend I had locked myself in my room and tried to figure out what I had said to him that pissed him off so much. I came to the conclusion that it must have been something that had to do with his parents. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on with him at home (hell, I didn’t even know what was going on with him outside of his home) but I was determined to figure it out and help him. Trying to help him was the reason that we were in this mess right now but I knew he couldn’t stay mad at me forever. I sure hoped that he couldn’t anyway. I walked into my math class on Monday hoping that I could somehow get Zayn to at least say one word to me. I had seen him a few times in the hallway that morning but he ignored me just like I had expected him to. I figured that he wouldn’t want to talk me so I didn’t push him to do so.

“You look a little down in the dumps today.”

I looked up and saw Mr. Higgins sitting at his desk. “I just had a long weekend.”

“Want to talk about it?”

I shrugged, “I suppose it won’t hurt.”

He smiled, “Go on then. I’m listening.”

I sighed, “On Saturday I went to the park to read and there was a fight going on. I didn’t want to do anything about it because I’m not exactly the strongest person out there but then I noticed that one of the people in the fight was a guy I knew. He was being attacked by five of these guys from a different school and before I could even try to help him he fought them off. After the other guys ran away he saw that I was there and I convinced him to come home with me so I could clean his wounds because he refused to go to the hospital. I know I’m not a doctor but I figured that I could at least make sure he was cleaned up. Anyway, after I cleaned him up we had lunch and watched a movie and he said that he should be going home and I made a comment that kind of pissed him off. I didn’t do it on purpose but he wouldn’t listen to me and he ran off before I could apologize. Now he won’t talk to me and I just want him to realize that I just want to help.”

Mr. Higgins nodded and said, “I see, and if you don’t mind me asking what did you say exactly?”

I looked down at my desk, “I said ‘Why? Is your mommy worried about you?’. I didn’t mean to hurt his feelings. It was just a joke, you know?”

“Maybe he isn’t really mad at you.”

“He is. Trust me.”

He walked over to the desk beside me and sat down, “Just because he ran away doesn’t mean that he’s mad at you Mr. Styles. You may have just touched a nerve and maybe the joke wasn’t funny to him. He could have serious problems with his parents and you would never know. Some people are so good at hiding things that you wouldn’t even know that they have problems. There are people out there that you look at and think ‘Wow. They must have such a good life. They’re so happy and confident.’ but really on the inside they could be dying. If a person is hiding their emotions at home all of the time then they just get used to hiding their emotions wherever they go. Don’t let this little thing get you down. I’m sure you two will work it out soon.”

I smiled, “You’re right. Thanks Mr. Higgins. I just hope we fix this sooner than later.”

He got up and walked back over to his desk. The bell rang and he said, “I’m sure you and Mr. Malik can find a way to talk about this.”

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