Chapter 16.

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Chapter Sixteen:

Harry POV:

The weekend was a blast and I didn't want it to ever be Monday but all good things came to an end and it was already Sunday afternoon. Yea it had only been like a day since we had made our relationship official but I really wanted to just stay home and enjoy us being together. In all honesty I never thought that Zayn would be the type of boyfriend that was really close and snuggly but to my surprise he kind of was. The night before we had had dinner with my parents and we told them that we were a thing. Zayn seemed to be surprised when my mum was so happy that she jumped up from her seat and gave him a big kiss on the cheek but I wasn't in the slightest. I knew my mum was wanting me to be in a good relationship and she really liked him so I figured it would be a good thing on her part. My step dad was really happy for us too, though he didn't freak out like my mum did. Thank god cause that would just be weird. Anyway, after dinner we all sat in the living room and watched a scary movie together. I really kind of hated them because things just popped out and there were noises that freaked me out so for most of the movie I was trying to hide behind Zayn. He didn't really seem to mind though; every time it happened he would just smirk and put his arm over my shoulder to reassure me that it would be alright. When the movie was finished Zayn and I decided that it was time for us to go to bed because for some reason we were just exhausted. Surprisingly I had gotten him to sleep in my bed with me and when I went to sleep we weren't snuggling because we were only dating for a few hours and that wasn't necessarily something that couples did on the first day I guess. But when I woke up that morning I was happy to feel strong arms wrapped around my waist and the soft breathing of Zayn by my ear. I smiled thinking of how I could really get used to waking up to this every morning.

I didn't want to wake him up so I just laid there and watched him sleep until he woke. It didn't feel so weird at the time but now that I think about it the whole thing was a little on the creepy side. He didn't seem to care that my face was the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes though so I think maybe it's just a cute thing that couples do. Anyway, we had been enjoying the rest of our Sunday and it made me especially happy when he had asked me after dinner if I wanted to go for a little walk to the coffee shop that was in town. Of course I said yes so here we are now drinking our beverages of choice (mine was a vanilla latte while Zayn's was just black coffee because he's such a bamf) on my bench in the park. Despite the snow that was gently falling from the sky it really was a lovely night. It wasn't very cold out and there was no wind to be found.

I was watching a snowflake fall onto my cup when Zayn cleared his throat. I looked over to him and he had a smirk on his face, "What?"

He chuckled, "You must've been in pretty deep thought to not hear me saying your name a million times."

"Oh sorry. I guess I just didn't hear you."

He chuckled, "What were you thinking about?"

I shrugged, "Nothing really."

"Aww...come on Haz. You can tell me." I didn't say anything for a few moments so he continued, "You were thinking about me naked weren't you?"

My head shot up to look at him and a blush spread across my face. Even though it wasn't true that I was thinking about his body a picture of him appeared in my mind. "I was not thinking about that!"

"Then tell me!" He lightly smacked me on the arm with a small smirk on his face.

"I was just thinking about how great this weekend has been."

We sat in silence for a little while then he said in a calm voice, "It has been pretty great, huh?"

I glanced over at him and he had his eyes closed with a small smile on his face as his head was tilted back. I smiled at how peaceful he looked at that moment and nodded, "Yea. It really has." There was more silence until I asked, "What about tomorrow?"

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