Chapter 20.

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Woo! Only a few chapters left guys! Honestly I don’t know if I should do an epilogue or what so I need your opinions!!! Thanks for all the love! You guys are awesome! -Sami

Chapter Twenty:

Harry’s POV:

I sighed as I stared up at the same boring white ceiling that I had been looking at for the past few hours since I had woken up. Zayn had spent the night with me at the hospital so I wouldn’t get lonely while my parents went home to rest up for work and for that I was extremely thankful. I hadn’t realized how boring sitting in a sterilized room alone hooked up to an IV (and whatever other stupid medical machines they had) could be. I had grown tired of watching the same tv programs over and over and I was most definitely getting annoyed with the nurses coming in every 10 minutes to ask me if I needed anything. I was happy that these people were taking such good care of me but was it really necessary to check in on me so often? I didn’t think so.

I looked at the ticking clock on the wall hoping that I was almost time for school to get out so I could see my loving boyfriend again. I was sort of nervous for him to get back because the nurse had brought me the gift that I had bought for him at the mall before the accident and I was going to give it to him today. I knew it wasn’t like I was proposing to him or anything but it was my first gift to him and I really wanted him to like it. What if he thought it was stupid? I mean who buys their boyfriend a knife to tell them that they love them?

But was that what it was really for? Did I really want Zayn to know that I loved him? I didn’t even know for sure that I was in love with him myself. I suppose it seemed like love though. I mean every time I hear his voice I can’t help but smile and when he touches me my heart beats at 10000 times per second. His eyes are the most gorgeous things I have ever seen in my life and every move he makes drives me crazy. Maybe love was too strong of a word to describe my feelings for him right now but I definitely liked him a lot. More than I had ever liked anyone. He was just so perfect in every way to me and the thought of losing him again was just unbearable.

I looked back up at the clock and saw that it was now 4:13. I smiled and grabbed my phone to text Zayn and ask if he was on his way when the door was slowly opened. Zayn walked in with his backpack thrown over one shoulder and my backpack on the other. He smiled when he saw me and set our bags down before walking over and placing a kiss on my cheek.

“I’ve been waiting for that all day.”

He chuckled, “You’re such a corn flake.”

“Maybe I am but I’m your corn flake. How was school today?”

He pulled a chair up next to my bed and shrugged, “Eh. It was fine I guess.”

“Oh no. What happened?”

“Nothing. I just said that it was fine.” I knew he was saying things went alright but I could see it in his eyes that there was something he wasn’t telling me.

I put my hand on his cheek and made him look me in the eyes, “You can tell me Zayn. You know that I’m here for you no matter what. I just want you to open up to me.”

He let out a long sigh, “There were just some people that were saying things. They’re lucky that I didn’t beat the fuck out of them.”

“What did they say babe?”

He shook his head, “It’s not important. All that’s important as that I’m here with you.”

“Now who’s the corn flake?” We both laughed and I asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

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