Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven:

“Harold! I’m home!” Zayn and I both looked up from the video game we were playing at the sound of my mums voice.

He chuckled, “Harold.”

I glared at him, “If you ever call me that I will take your jacket and burn it.”

“I’d like to see you walk after I got my hands on you for doing that.”

“Don’t threaten me Malik. I know your bad boy side is just an act. You’re just a harmless little man.”

He got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to me. “You want to say that again Styles?”

“Harmless. Little. Man” I made sure to enunciate every word just to get my point across that I wasn’t scared of him.

Before I knew it my hands were pinned against the wall and I had a knife up to my throat. Zayn was only an inch or so away from me. He looked angry and I knew that I pushed some buttons that I shouldn’t have. “See this knife?” I slowly nodded. “I know how the fuck to use it and you damn well know that I’m not afraid to. If someone, even you, pisses me off I will cut them. You’ve seen me fight. That guy was lucky that I let him walk away but it won’t ever happen again. So just keep in mind that your skin is just as easy to rip through as everyone else’s.”

I gulped and I know he saw it because the angry look in his eyes disappeared and his smirk was back. He slowly backed away from me before twiddling his knife in between his fingers and putting it away in his jacket. He patted me on the back making me jump a little and he laughed at me.

“Come on Harold. It’s time for me to meet your mum.”

We both walked out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

What the hell just happened?! He wouldn’t really hurt me! I think he was just trying to prove a point. At least I hope that’s what he was doing. I could just never piss him off and then I would never have to know if he was bluffing or not. I think that’s the best thing to do. Just stay on his good side Harry. You’ll be fine.

I lead Zayn into the kitchen where my mum was getting something out of the fridge. “Hey mum.”

“Hey Harry. Do you know where I put the roast? I can’t find it and I want everything to be perfect for your friend. I bet he’s just lovely. Are you sure you don’t want to date him or anything?”

I had a massive blush on my face and I was sure that by now Zayn was grinning like a bloody mad man. I didn’t dare look up at him though because then he would see the scarlet spreading across my cheeks. “Mum! We have a guest!”

She quickly took her head out of the fridge and looked at Zayn and I. She chuckled, “Oh well hello Zayn! Nice to meet you!”

She held out her hand for Zayn to shake but instead he grabbed it and gave it a light kiss. “Nice to meet you as well. Your house is beautiful. Much like its owner.”

My jaw dropped at how charming he was being and my mom lightly blushed, “Oh well thank you. Make yourself at home. Anyone that’s a friend of Harry’s is welcome here.”

He flashed her a friendly smile and I spoke up before he could, “Mum, we’re gonna go watch TV in the living room.”

“Ok Hazza. Dinner will be done in a few hours.”

I nodded and grabbed Zayn’s arm to drag him into the other room. I turned to him with wide eyes, “What the hell was that?! Two minutes ago you were threatening to kill me and now you’re prince charming?!”

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