Chapter 18.

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Bam! Another chapter. So I think I like this one a lot more than the last one and this one is all Zayn's POV! I know you guys wanted more of it so here you go. It also gives a little more insight on Zayn's past and all of that stuff. So I hope you enjoy this! I love you guys! - Sami. <3

Chapter Eighteen:

Zayn's POV:

I looked down at my phone and saw that it was now 11:37 pm. Harry had texted me quite a while (like 4 hours) ago and it kinda pissed me off that he would just stand me up like this. I wasn't upset that I was up waiting for him because honestly I wouldn't have been able to sleep after that fight anyway but I just really thought that we should talk it all out. We were both pretty heated during our argument and I didn't want this whole thing to remain unresolved. When he said that he wanted to break up with me it just hit me so hard that I had to lash out at him. That's just how I had grown up to be. Every single person in my life would leave me at some point and I was just so mad that he wanted to leave so soon. I didn't think that me yelling at him was going to make him so upset. I just didn't want him to get hurt because of me but I guess he didn't see it that way. I didn't want to lose Harry. I couldn't lose him.

I walked out from under my bridge and laid down on the grass beside it. I looked up at the stars and closed my eyes, smiling when I pictured Harry's face in my mind. His beautiful green eyes were shining brighter than any of those stars and his smile was the most gorgeous one I had ever laid my eyes on. And those curls...those curls were just the icing on the cake. I loved the way he would shake his head and push his bangs to the side when he wanted to fix it. It was so weird to me that such a wispy mess could complete the adorable boy's perfection. If anyone else did their hair like that I would just think they were a mess but not Harry. Not my Hazza. I could never think that about him. He was the only person these days that could make me genuinely happy all of the time. Of course my little sister Safaa could too but I couldn't see her very often.

I remember the day I had to give her to my grandpa. It was devastating.


"But Zayn I don't want to leave." My little sister was looking up at me with her big brown eyes and it was so hard not to just pick her up and take her back inside.

I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "I know Bear but you have to."

"But I want to stay with you.", I could see the tears forming in her eyes and it was killing me.

I pulled her into a big hug and whispered, "I know baby girl but we'll see each other all of the time. I promise I'll come visit you whenever I can. It's just best that you go stay with grandpa for now. It's what's best for you."

I knew that she was confused as to why she had to go away. Of course she was. She was only a little 4 year old girl. She couldn't understand that her mother had gotten severely addicted to drugs and her father was an abusive drunk. I wouldn't even know how to explain such things to her so I did the only thing I knew that was safe for her. I knew that my grandparents would take care of her and give her all of the love that my stupid parents wouldn't.

Neither of us said anything for a while until I heard my grandparent's car pull up into the driveway. "Grandma and Grandpa are here now Bear. It's time to go."

She wouldn't let go of me though and I could feel my shirt becoming wet with her tears. I picked her up with one arm and then grabbed her suitcase with the other one. My grandfather got out of the car and opened up the back door so I could set her in. I put her bag on the ground and squeezed her tight before giving her a kiss on the cheek and setting her down in the car seat in the back of the car. I buckled her in and put her bag on the seat next to her.

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