Chapter 15.

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Ok guys. I know I'm doing a lot of Harry POV but there is more Zayn POV coming up. I feel like this story is moving kind of slow but I promise it'll pick up soon. Thank you all for reading and I'm so happy that some people actually like this story. Lol. I love you guys! - Sami

Chapter Fifthteen:

Harry's POV:

It had been almost three weeks since I had told Zayn my feelings about him and honestly things actually felt quite wonderful. Zayn and I had been getting much closer and even my friends decided that he wasn't such a bad guy. They welcomed him into our group and I couldn't be more grateful to them for doing so. They didn't mind that I was hanging with him instead of them on the weekends. I hadn't spent one weekend without Zayn for the past month or so and spending the weekends with him was something that I looked forward to all week. We had gotten into a nice little routine for the days that we hung out and even though it was usually the same old thing I really couldn't ask for a better way to spend my time.

Most of the time we would just sit at my house and watch movies or play video games and sometimes we would take a walk to the park and he would always laugh when I crinkled my nose as he lit up his cigarette. I really hated the smell of those things and whenever the wind blew the smoke into my face I would remember that time that I had embarrassed myself so badly. It really did still make me blush and want to hide under a rock when he would bring it up. I couldn't imagine how big of a fool I looked that day.

"I won! Ha! Take that Styles!" I was knocked out of my trance by Zayn screaming at me from across the room.

I groaned, "That's not fair! I wasn't paying any attention!"

"Sucks to be you!" He stuck his tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes.

We were currently in my room on a beautiful Saturday morning playing video games and apparently he had just won. To be honest I forgot that we were even playing against each other but I could count on him to remind me. Especially if he won.

"You're such a sore winner."

He chuckled, "You're just mad because you lost. Again!"

"How am I ever supposed to win if you're always cheating?!"

"I don't cheat. I just know how to play."

"I know how to play!" I picked up a pillow that was on the bed next to me and threw it at his face.

I saw the pillow fall to the floor then looked back up at Zayn to see him giving me a death glare. "You're gonna wish you never did that Styles." I gulped and backed up on my bed.

He got up from the chair he was sitting on and launched himself at me. He pinned me down and I couldn't move. I struggled to get loose from his grip but he was way too strong for me to push off.

"Is poor little Harry scared?", he asked in a mimicking tone. I quickly shook my head and he raised his eyebrow, "Really? You're not? Maybe I'm not trying hard enough then. What do you think?"

I didn't respond so he took his hand off of my wrist and moved it to his pocket where he kept his knife. Before he had the chance to grab it I rolled us both off of the bed and we landed on the floor with a big thud with me on top of him. I tried to crawl away before he could get a hold of me but I wasn't quick enough. He got a hold of my ankle and dragged me back to where he was. I let out a little squeak and he chuckled, probably amused at how frightened I was at the time.

After much struggle he ended up sitting on top of me with his precious blade in his hand. He looked so devious with the weapon in his hand and the smirk on his face but I couldn't help but think how fucking hot he was. His eyes were so beautiful and the laugh that was most likely supposed to scare me actually made me want to jump him. The way he was straddling my torso didn't help the fact that I would totally just fuck him right then and there. I could feel my pants getting tight so I closed my eyes and made those thoughts go away before he could notice.

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