Chapter 22.

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So guys I’m not quite sure how I feel about this chapter. It was kinda difficult for me to write for some reason. But I tried and this story is almost done so I’m getting excited to write the ending. Lol. Just let me know what you think and all of that! I love you all so much! You’re amazing! Love, Sami <3

Chapter Twenty Two:

Zayn POV:

I cringed as I felt the angry man’s fist collide with my jaw and knock me to the ground. The coppery taste of my blood filled my mouth almost as if I was drinking it right from a glass. I put my arms up in front of my face to protect me but it was no use. He caught me off guard and kicked me in the side three times before I heard a crunch echo throughout the room. To say I was frightened would be an understatement. I was scared out of my fucking mind. I felt my vision start to blur and I could’ve swore that this was the end for me. That this was going to be the last day that I would ever see the world again. That this would be the last thing I felt before I died. But this wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted to be snuggled up on the couch watching horror movies and eating popcorn with my boyfriend. I wanted to be holding him close while his chest rose up and down in his slumber. But no, instead I was here. I was here being beat to death by my disgrace of a father and there was nobody to save me. Not this time. I knew that I was a goner. I prepared myself when I saw his foot was about to hit me in the face but it never came. Instead it was replaced by a light tapping on my shoulder and a soft voice saying my name. I looked over to see my beautiful Hazza leaning over me with a breath taking smile on his face.

He held his hand out to me and said almost like a whisper, “It’s ok Zayn. You’re ok.”

I shook my head and began to cry. I wanted to believe his words but how could I be ok? I was going to die and I couldn’t do a thing to stop it. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the top of my head rocking me back and forth like a distraught toddler.

“Open your eyes Zayn.” I opened them slowly and looked into his green irises. “Zayn, open your eyes.” I didn’t understand what he was saying. My eyes were open. I was looking right at him. “Zayn please open your eyes. It’s ok. It’s just me.”

Just then my eyes really shot open and I realized it was all just a dream. The real Harry was sitting on the bed next to me holding me just like in the dream but I knew this Harry was real. I could tell by the way he held me and the way he made my heart flutter.

I grabbed onto him tightly and pulled myself close to him. “Zayn it’s ok. It was just a bad dream. I’m here for you.” He rubbed my back to soothe me and after a few minutes of his soft cooing and kisses I calmed down.

I mumbled, “It just…it felt so real.”

He moved my head so I was looking at him and rubbed my tears away with his thumbs. “It wasn’t real. I will never ever let anything happen to you again. I promise you.” I shook my head slowly and he whispered, “If you want to stay here while I go get your things then you can.”

I shot up in bed and gave him an unbelieving look. He just looked back at me, his eyes full of determination and honesty. “You’re not kidding.” He shook his head. “You can’t go there Harry! He’ll hurt you just like he hurt me! He doesn’t care if you’re his kid or not! He’ll do his best to make you miserable! I can’t let you go!”

He grabbed my hand, “I need to go. We need to get your stuff. All of your art stuff is there and I’m sure you have some other things that you would want to keep.”

“It’s just not safe.”

He gently set his hand on my shoulder, “I promise I will be safe. Ok?”

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