Chapter 11

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Ok guys so I'm going to throw something new into this and make it from Zayn's POV. I've wanted to do this for a little while but I think this chapter is a good time to do it. Anyways, I hope you enjoy and I love you wonderful people that actually read this. Lol.

Chapter Eleven:

Zayn's POV:

I woke up pretty much on top of Harry and I smiled down at him. He was so cute when he wasn't being stubborn and arguing with me. Actually he was pretty cute when he was doing that also. I had grown to like him over the time that we spent together and I would probably never say it to him but I really wished I could just kiss him. When he was standing in front of me naked yesterday I was trying my best not to drool all over myself. He had a hotter body than I thought he would and believe me, I had a very sexy image of him in my mind. I knew that he was embarrassed though and I didn't want him to feel too uncomfortable so I tried not to stare too much. It was too difficult to keep my eyes off of him though and I ended up watching him change anyway. I could tell that he didn't know that I was checking him out. It was kind of funny how he was so oblivious to things like that.

I slowly got up off of the couch and made my way to his bedroom where my phone had been charging the previous day. I had to make sure that everything was going ok with my 'clients' this weekend. Just because I was with Harry didn't mean that I could push away my little business. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a few missed texts from my assistant Josh. He was pretty much my best friend but we didn't see each other unless it was for business stuff. He wanted me to meet him this morning around 6am. I looked at the time on my phone and saw that it was a little after 5. I smiled, grateful that I hadn't missed the meeting time. If Josh wanted to meet up it was probably important.

I changed into the dirty clothes that I had on before my shower yesterday and reached into my bag to grab my brass knuckles. I put my hand in my jacket to make sure that my pocket knife was still where I put it and thankfully it was still there. I didn't know for sure that we would be fighting anyone but I really wasn't about to take any chances and there most likely would be some sort of bloodshed.

I quietly snuck down the stairs and out of the front door making sure that I didn't wake Harry. Once the door was closed I ran to the park where all of our meetings took place. When I got there I saw Josh leaning up against the tree that I always smoked under. His hands were in his pocket and a cigarette was sticking out of his mouth.

"Hey man, what's up?"

He smiled, "We have some business to take care of. I thought you might want to take care of it personally so I called you here."

"Who is it this time?"

"It's Ben and his idiot mates. They think they can get away with not paying on time. I told them to meet me here so we could work something out."

Ben was the 'leader' of the guys that Harry had seen me fight not too long ago. I couldn't believe that they really wanted to start something again but it wasn't going to be my blood all over the ground.

I smirked, "Are they really that fucking stupid that they think we're going to negotiate with them?"

He chuckled, "No shit. They're idiots."

Just then I heard a snicker come from behind me, "You think we're idiots, yea?"

I turned around to see Ben with three other guys standing behind him. I shrugged, "You were dumb enough to come here."

"If you think we're scared of you Malik then you are the one that's an idiot."

"Didn't I send a few of your guys back to you crying a little while ago?"

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