Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine:

It had been three days since the incident at Zayn’s house and he still wasn’t back at school. I figured that maybe he would need a little time away especially since I now kind of knew what was going on at his house. I knew that he was upset for me not leaving when he had first told me too but some part of me remembered that sad look in his eyes. I could tell that he did want to get out of there and get some help but he was just too stubborn to do so. Once again the boys asked if I had wanted to hang out but I just wanted to see Zayn and hopefully get him to come over so we could talk a little bit. He really needed to talk to someone and even if it wasn’t about the purple and black marks all over his skin it was good to let some of his stress out.

I walked down the halls of our school and I could tell that I must’ve looked quite terrible. The students that normally didn’t even glance at me for a second were staring at me as I passed. When I looked in the mirror after I had woken up that morning I noticed the dark circles under my eyes from my lack of sleep. I hadn’t got much sleep after seeing Zayn like that and every time that I did manage to go to sleep the nightmares of him lying on the ground in a pool of blood would wake me up instantly. My mum even ran into my room one time because apparently I was screaming and thrashing around in my sleep. Once she got me awake I was drenched in sweat and my heart was beating so fast that I swear it was going to rip right through my chest. Since I couldn’t go back to sleep I grabbed the drawing that Zayn had left for me and stared at it for the rest of the night. Whenever I looked at it I felt like there was some hope that he would leave that terrible place and realize that I was there for him. I knew it wouldn’t happen anytime soon but it made me feel good at least.

I sighed before stepping into my math class and throwing myself into the chair in front of my desk. It was killing me that I hadn’t seen him and I didn’t know how much longer I could go without being with him. It sounded more ridiculous every time I said it to myself. I shouldn’t need to be with Zayn. He was just a sort of friend, right? But every single time I closed my eyes I could see his beautiful golden eyes and that gorgeous smirk that he always wore. I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of him. I heard a loud bang come from the desk next to me knocking me out of my little daydream.

I jumped and turned to see Mr. Higgins standing next to me laughing, “I got you good! You should’ve seen your face!”

I glared, “Why did you do that?! I almost peed myself!”

“You were staring off into space and I was trying to talk to you. I eventually just got sick of it and decided to see if I could snap you out of it.”

“Well you did. Thanks.” I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled, “What were you thinking about anyway?”

A blush crept onto my cheeks and he smiled, “It was Zayn wasn’t it?”

I slowly nodded, “Yes…I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Why don’t you ask him to hang out or something. He could be daydreaming about you right now and you wouldn’t even know it.”

“I highly doubt that.”

He shrugged, “Hey you’ll never know unless you ask.”

I sighed, “I know. It’s just that I haven’t seen him in days. He hasn’t been to school or at the park or anything.”

“Well don’t worry about it too much, alright?” I nodded and the bell rang.

I really must have been daydreaming for a while. Probably 15 minutes at least. When the tardy bell rang a few minutes later I looked over at the desk next to mine and saw that once again Zayn wasn’t there. I sighed and put my head down hoping that he might be at the park after school. Mr. Higgins started teaching about something with numbers or whatever but I was too focused on Zayn that I didn’t even hear a word that he said. The door slammed and I looked up seeing Zayn walk in. The bruise on his face was gone as far as I could tell but I guessed that he was covering it up again. He didn’t look very good though. He looked even more tired than I was and I knew that I was completely drained. He looked at me but when we made eye contact he quickly looked away. He sat down at his desk and got his sketch book out. I tried to see what he was drawing but he obviously didn’t want me to see it so I didn’t push it.

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