Chapter 25. (Last Chapter)

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And here it is! The last chapter! Yay! Ok so I really hope you guys like this chapter and I really really hope you guys liked the whole story! Keep commenting and all that good stuff! I love you all! <3

Chapter Twenty Five:

Harry POV:

I tapped my foot as I sat patiently waiting on the couch for my boyfriend to get home. He told me that he had a few errands to run and I always got a bit worried when he said things like that. It always made me feel like he was going out and getting into more fights when he said that. I knew that I was just being a clingy over protective boyfriend but he was my baby and I didn’t want anything to happen to him. Tonight was supposed to be a big night out for us because we were nearing our 10 month and we were ready to have some fun. We did the same thing almost every day and we really needed to get out of the house. I groaned from the frustration of the day going by so slowly and I walked up the stairs to my room to take a shower. At least that would sort of make the time go by a little faster.

After my hair was washed and I got too bored to stand under the water anymore I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I quickly dried off before walking to my bed and seeing that I had three missed texts. All three were from Zayn and a smile grew on my face.

“Hey gorgeous! I’m sorry I won’t be coming back home until later tonight. I knew you had big plans for us. =[“

“You’re not answering. You’re mad at me aren’t you? You should go to the park. It always calms you down. I promise I’ll make this night up to you.”

“Pleeeaaaseee don’t be mad at me. =[“

I sighed at the texts and pushed down my urge to scream at them. I knew he didn’t mean to upset me but I really wanted to celebrate with him. I had been looking forward to this day for weeks and now it wasn’t even going to happen. I knew he would think that I was mad at him if I didn’t reply but I thought that it would be best if he was punished for this one. I threw my phone back onto the bed and went to my closet to grab some clothes. I had an amazing outfit that I was going to wear tonight for Zayn that I knew he would absolutely love and now I guess I would just have to show it off to the birds by my bench.

I towel dried my hair before grabbing the white button up dress shirt and my tightest black skinny jeans. I put on my shirt and buttoned it up leaving only the top two undone. I rolled my sleeves up to my elbows before pulling up my jeans and tucking my shirt in. I smiled as I looked into the mirror and saw how spiffy I looked before moving my hair into place and throwing on my dress shoes. I knew that it would be kind of cold outside so I went in my closet and grabbed my coat to put it on. After spending a few minutes walking around my room and singing a song on my Ipod I made my way down the stairs.

I grabbed my keys then set them back on the table deciding that I would rather walk to the park. It was slightly cold but I didn’t really mind. I quite enjoyed walking around all of the time. I didn’t do it much now that Zayn and I were dating but I would rather spend time with him then walk around alone anyways. I reached into my jacket pocket and felt something odd. I pulled it out and smiled when I realized it was the knife I had bought for Zayn a while back. I definitely had to give it to him the next chance I got because it had been a few months and I really thought he would like it. I put it back into its case and then back into my pocket before opening the front door and making my way to the park.

The walk didn’t seem to take very long and when I got there I was relieved to see that nobody was on my bench. I really did have an odd attachment to the item but it had made me feel like I belonged in this world whenever I was down. I walked up the somewhat steep hill and sat down. I took the blade out of my pocket once again and examined every inch of it. I felt that it represented us so well in a way that was difficult to describe. It was so unique and beautiful but so dangerous and dark at the same time. It’s like every aspect of our relationship could be described by one look at this blade and it made me smile. I loved the relationship I had with Zayn. I loved that we could trust each other in a way that made me believe in soul mates. And even though we still hadn’t told each other those three special words I still knew that one day we would. I closed my eyes and remembered all of the things we have said and done together as a couple. Every memory with Zayn, good or bad, made my heart flutter. Every single moment with him was so perfect.

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