Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten:

“So Zayn how has school been going for you?”

Zayn gulped down another fork full of my mum’s chicken dinner and smiled, “Really well Anne. Haven’t been doin’ much lately though.”

“Harry says that you’ve been working on some art.”

Zayn looked over at me with a smirk on his face and I wanted to slam my head into the table. I sent a quick glare over to my mum and she gave me and apologetic smile before Zayn spoke up.

“Yea, I’ve been working on some stuff. I’m sure you’ve seen the picture in Harry’s room.”

She nodded, “I have. You’re very talented. I’m sure you’ll get into all of the schools that you want to.”

He laughed, “I don’t know about that but I’m hoping that I can get into a few. I would love to move out of this town and see new things.”

“So does Harry. He’s always been my little adventurer! When he was little he used to run around the backyard in the nude and pretend that he was an explorer searching for treasure!”

Oh my god. Just run Harry. Run and never come back.

I looked over at Zayn and could tell that he was holding back a laugh. I was sure that my face was a rather deep shade of red and he was dying to tease me about this. There was no way that I would ever invite him over for dinner again if my mum was going to be like this all of the time. I wanted him to open up to me not know every little detail about my naked childhood.

Before my mum (or anyone else for that matter) could say anything I quickly got out of my chair, “Ok! I’ll start doing the dishes! Everyone can go their separate ways now, yeah?”

My mum laughed before getting up and ruffling my hair. I glared at her and quietly mumbled, “Muuuum, if you don’t stop I’m never letting you meet anyone ever again.”

She rolled her eyes at me but agreed and turned to Zayn, “Zayn sweetie. Would you like to stay over tonight? It is a Friday after all and we would love to have you here for a little while longer.”

He shook his head, “No thanks. I wouldn’t want to be a bother to any of you.”

My mum picked up some plates and smiled, “Oh you wouldn’t be a bother Zayn! You’re completely delightful to have around! And I’m sure Harry here would love to have some company! I don’t even remember the last time he had a friend stay over. Don’t you think that he should stay Harry?”

I nodded, “Yea. I could use some friend time.”

Zayn bit his lower lip and after a few moments of contemplating what to do he nodded. “Yea. Ok. I would love to stay over. I don’t have anything to do tomorrow anyway.”

I smiled, “Great! Go on up to my room. I’m just gonna help my mum clean up dinner really quick.”

“Alright.” He sauntered up the stairs and once I heard my bedroom door shut I turned to my mom.

“Little adventurer?!”

“Oh come on Harry it wasn’t that bad.”

I threw my hands in the air, “Not that bad? Are you kidding me? It was that bad and then you had to go and throw in the whole nude thing! Are you crazy? Now he’s gonna think that I’m a nudist or something!”

She shrugged, “Well honey you kind of are like a nudist. You love to be naked. You always have.”

“He doesn’t need to know that!”

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