Chapter 12

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Dun dun dun!!!!!!! Ok yea, so I hope Zayn's POV wasn't too bad but this chapter might be half of Harry's POV and half of Zayn's. Not sure yet but I hope it's good! Thanks to all of you for reading this! I only had like 20 reads on this last week and now i have over 200 so thank you so much! And also please give me some feedback or if you just want to tell me something that you might want to happen then i can try to throw it in the story sometime! Thanks again! I love you all! -sami

Chapter Twelve:

Harry's POV:

What the hell did I just do? Did I really just kiss Zayn? Just like that? We weren't even friends yet and here I am swapping spit with him! It's not like he was objecting to it though. He didn't push me away or storm out of the bathroom after the fact but he was absolutely silent and that could be worse than the other options. I gulped and took a step back from him. He was staring at the wall behind me and he looked completely taken aback.

"Zayn I-"

He put his hands up and shook his head before jumping off of the counter and calmly walking down the hall to my bedroom. I followed a few steps behind him to make sure that he wouldn't make a beeline for the front door. Instead of running like I thought he would though he slowly sat on the edge of my bed and looked down at his hands. He seemed as if he was in deep thought and I was dying to know what was going on in that beautiful little head of his.

After what felt like hours of just watching him sit there he spoke up, "Why did you do that?" His words were barely audible but he talked loud enough so I could make out what he had said.

I put my head down and whispered, "I don't know. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that but..." But what? Why had I done that in the first place? There was no explanation for what I did. It just felt right. So that's what I needed to tell him. He needed the truth. "I just really wanted to..."

He bit his bottom lip and started to wring his hands together like he always did when he was uncomfortable. Usually I thought it was really cute but right now it terrified me. If I had scared him away just from making that one move then I would hate myself. I watched him carefully and when I was about to apologize I heard him let out a light chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?"

He shrugged, "Honestly I don't know." I raised my eyebrow in confusion and he looked up at me. "That was just a really bold move for you Styles."


"There you were yelling at me for some stupid rubbish and telling me that I needed to stop doing bad things before I got killed and then for some bloody reason you thought kissing me would do what exactly? Did you think it would stop me from being reckless and violent or something? I've been trying to figure you out for all this time. Since the first day you saw me in class you've been on my arse about hanging out with you and trying to get me to tell you things that don't even concern you in the slightest. I just don't understand what you're trying to do here."

I shrugged, "I'm not trying to do anything besides be your friend..."

"Friends kiss friends on the lips now? I haven't heard that yet."

I ran my hands through my hair and bit my lip, "I just...I felt like it was the right thing to do at the time and I know that you probably don't want to be anywhere near me now but I...I don't regret it yet..."

He gave me a funny look then tapped on the bed beside him. I slowly made my way over and sat next to him. "Look, if you want to then we can forget that this whole thing ever happened. I'm not going to hold it against you or anything. If your only dream for some reason is to become my friend then consider us best friends. Ok?" A big smile appeared on my face and he smirked, "Now don't make me regret this because that smile is kinda freakin' me out."

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