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When I woke up from being knocked out for the second time in three weeks, I was in an unfamiliar room. I had no idea where I happened to be. I couldn't see anything because JD had blindfolded me. In addition to the blindfold, there was a gag in my mouth. All I could hear was the whistling of a teakettle and high pitched noises from my daughter in the distance. I wasn't able to move due to the fact that I had been tied down. I was terrified, completely paralyzed by fear.

I don't know how long I waited for JD to come into whatever room I was in. I assumed it was his bedroom because I was on a very large bed. At some point long after the teakettle stopped, I heard JD tell Grace to be a good girl watching Sleeping Beauty. It was her favorite movie and I often scolded JD for using that tape so much. It was going to break eventually. I heard her cry as he must have sat her down in her playpen. It had been missing from the house. He turned up the TV and walked away from Grace.

As the door opened and he sat on the bed, I could hear Grace hiccuping, which meant she was done crying and had been soothed yet again by Sleeping Beauty. JD started rubbing my arm, to which I shivered. "You're so beautiful." He informed me as goosebumps popped up on my arm. He mistook the reason for them and chuckled. "Hey, I wonder if you've been too depressed to take your birth control." He whispered into my ear as he bent down on top of me. I knew what was about to happen and I tried to shut down until it was over. That was until lowered and went to bite my collarbone as he usually did. I lurched upwards and howled through the gag. He picked the side he broke only a few weeks ago. While the break had begun to heal, it wasn't done. And JD put too much pressure down on me. Quickly, JD was pulling the gag out of my mouth, undoing the restraints and taking off the blindfold. I said nothing to him. "Grace is in the living room." He blurted out at me.

I got up and wandered about until I saw my blonde baby. I ran up to her and laughed as I hoisted her out of her playpen. "My baby!" I exclaimed over and over as I rocked her side to side in my arms. She held onto me tightly. I sat onto the couch and continued holding her close to me, certain that I won't let JD near her. I didn't leave because he had been standing in the doorway the entire time.

"She missed you." He commented, his arms folded over his chest.

"Go fuck yourself, JD." I snapped at him.

"What's that for?" He asked and I laughed at him. Grace mimicked me, thinking I must have simply been delighted by her presence.

"You almost fucking killed me, you goddamn psychopath." I reminded him as he sat on the couch and pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket.

"Hey now, the news said you only spent a week in the hospital." He remarked before grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. He dropped the pack and lighter on the couch, an invitation for me to smoke. If I could put Grace down, I would.

"Yeah, you broke my nose and my collarbone. Then you bit that same fucking collarbone. My ankle is healing from a sprain. The doctors said you raped me and that I was covered in over eighty separate bruises. Oh, and you knocked me up again." I informed him of all the damage he had done to me. I stood up from the couch and put Grace into her playpen where she reached upwards at me.

His eyebrows raised with surprise and his lips quirked up. "I did?" He questioned. I nodded. "That's great." He smiled.

"I had an abortion while I was in the hospital." I told him. Suddenly he was standing too. His hand was around my throat. He pushed me downwards into the couch. I kicked at his midsection, trying desperately to keep breathing. This act of violence frightened Grace, who was wailing as I struggled to stay conscious enough to listen. Finally, I managed to kick him hard enough to knock the air out of him. He pulled away and started coughing.

"You're dead to me." He said to me as I adjusted into a proper sitting position.

"Like I give a fuck." I muttered in reply. "I know every one of your secrets, JD. The police believe me now." I informed him.

"Bullshit." He countered.

"It's not." I smirked at him. "You almost killed me. That's attempted murder. You kidnapped our daughter when your name is not on the birth certificate." I added.

"You're a bitch." He argued with me. "I have a right to see Grace. A simple DNA test will prove she's mine." He went on.

"If you insist." I smiled at him as I lifted Grace onto my hip. "And when the police find out that you're a perfect match to the last man Heather Chandler had sex with despite spending the entire night prior with me, they're gonna know you raped her first. They're going to believe me when I said you made me wait outside the room and I heard everything." I added, the nail in his coffin.

"I love you." He said quietly as he tried to wrap his arms around Grace and I. "Please, baby, don't do this to me." He begged. Grace mumbled the word dada to him.

"There's nothing I can do, JD." I reminded him as I pulled out of his arms.

"Let's run away together. I promise I'll be better, Veronica. Please, I can't lose you two." He begged me, falling down to his knees and grabbing my hips to hold onto me. "I'll be a better man. I've understood how hard your life is by having Grace under my care 24/7 the past little bit." He added, minimizing the period of time he had kidnapped our daughter for.

"JD, I can't." I argued, but he moved his hands to hold Grace's chubby hand.

"Don't you want mommy and daddy to be together, Gracie?" He asked our little girl, who bobbed her little head up and down.

"JD, please." I pleaded with him.

"Veronica, baby, I'll do anything." He continued to beg further. He looked into my eyes.

"Really?" I asked quietly.

"Absolutely." He answered quickly. "You say the word and I'll do it." He added.

"Stop hitting me." I told him.

"Done." He said.

"You've said that before, what makes this time different?" I asked him, to which he sighed and stood up. He held my face in his hands gently and Grace whined about not being able to see me.

"I'm about to lose the love my of my life and our beautiful daughter." He explained in a cool voice. He seemed calmer than he had been in a while. "Give me another chance." He added.

"A third one." I reminded him.

"The last one." He replied to which I nodded. He kissed me quickly and sweetly before getting all of the stuff in this place packed up. Afterwards, he led me outside with Grace in my arms. It was only then that I realized we were in a motel. I put her in her car seat and got in the passenger side of the front seat. JD was driving, as per usual.

He drove us through Sherwood and stopped at our house to gather the rest of our things. He did it alone and made me wait in the car with Grace. He rushed back outside shortly after going in and began to drive again. We didn't really talk. We just listened to music and drove. I didn't exactly feel like speaking after taking him back again.

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