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I wasn't surprised when I missed my period a few weeks after JD's visit to me. I locked myself in the bathroom and sobbed for twenty minutes straight in a ball on the floor. He was destroying my life. He'd been dismantling it since the moment he climbed through my window.

I didn't doubt that he'd have me killed if I had an abortion. I knew that the police in Sherwood wouldn't protect me, as some of them were testifying against me in the case against JD. They had also let JD be set free on bail. He stopped by frequently to see Grace but Eden wouldn't go near him. She was terrified of him. It's almost as if she had a sense that he didn't like her, much like he didn't like me. She'd seen what he's done to people he doesn't like. She just doesn't want to be hurt the same way I am.

At least Eden has a sense of self-preservation. Unlike her mother.

I'm well aware that I have no sense of that whatsoever but thank you for reminding me, you mythic bitch.

Don't take the fact that he knocked you up again out on me.

You know, my therapist says you're part of my consciousness.

Are you that stupid? You hadn't figured that out already? Jeez, no wonder JD took you for an easy mark.

Yeah well he hurt you too.

At least I got to die. You have to live and suffer a life with his three kids.

I love my children.

Sure you do.

I do.


I went upstairs to Veronica's bedroom where I found her crying. "Are you pregnant?" I asked her.

"What the fuck do you care?" She questioned back. I sat beside her.

"Because if you're not, it means we need to have sex again." I reminded her.

"Fuck off, JD. You got me pregnant, congratulations." She said, rolling her eyes and getting off the bed.

"Fabulous." I replied. "Anyways, you've got to get Eden to come near me. It's upsetting Grace that she won't." I added.

"And it upsets Eden to be close to you. I don't blame her. Doesn't it upset you to be near your father, JD?" She asked me in that bitchy tone she was always taking with me lately.

"Shut up." I told her.

"Can you get out of my room and spend this time with your daughter?" She questioned.

"Grace is preoccupied with the swing set. I taught her how to swing." I informed her, smiling.

"That's great." She remarked, rather unenthused.

"You're such a cunt." I scoffed at her before standing up and leaving her room. I went back downstairs, where Veronica's parents were still sitting, supervising my time with my children who I had to visit as if I had no claim to them.

"Daddy, Eden says you're mean to mommy." Grace informed me, tattling on her baby sister as if it was nothing. It's a dog eat dog world and Grace understood that. She'd do anything to get into my good graces, no pun intended.

"He is, Gracie." Veronica's mother said before I could speak. I hadn't realized she'd followed me downstairs until I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost time for Eden's nap.

"That's not true. Daddy loves mommy almost as much as he loves you and Eden." I argued back, defending myself to my child. I glanced away from Grace over to Eden, who was sitting in her grandmother's lap. "Eden, daddy doesn't hurt mommy." I added.

"Yes, he does." Veronica laughed at me. "Your father's a liar, Grace." She went on.

"You're mean to daddy too!" Grace shouted at her mother, stomping her foot as she did to emphasize what she was saying. I expected Veronica to shoot back like she always did but instead, she burst into tears.

"Are you alright?" Veronica's mother asked her.

"No." She answered before hoisting Eden into her arms and heading upstairs. The lines were drawn and it was clear where each child of ours stood. It sucked knowing that our third one would take her side over mine too because I'd be locked up.


I carried Eden upstairs and away from JD while I cried. Eden wiped at my face. "Mama sad." She observed before I opened the door to her bedroom. It was pink, her all time favorite color, and very girly. She had a Barbie Dreamhouse and a play kitchen and all the toys a little girl could want. As did Grace in her bedroom.

"Yes, Edie. Mommy is very very sad." I told her as I sat her down on her toddler bed.

"I sorry, mama." She apologized to me as I tucked the covers under her chin. I wiped my tears and kissed her head.

"I love you." I said to her.

"Love you." She replied before closing her eyes.

I left Eden in her bedroom and was unsurprised that JD was standing there listening in. "I want to tell your parents and Grace about the baby." He told me.

"Fuck off, JD." I snapped at him, trying to push past him. He backhanded me and I stumbled back into Eden's bedroom door.

"Come with me to tell them or I'll tell them alone." He demanded of me, pulling that knife out of his pocket to threaten me.

"Fine." I sighed before we headed back downstairs.

"Grace, sweetheart, guess what!" JD said excitedly to our four year old.

"What?" She asked him.

"You're going to be a big sister again!" He told her happily. She smiled as he hugged her. I didn't really interact with them, I just mouthed an apology to my mother.

"Jason, your time with Grace is almost over. She has tap practice at 2:30." My mother told JD, saving me from having to break the news to him.

"Alright. Well, I love you Gracie. Have fun at dance class." He said to our daughter, hugging her again and kissing the top of her head.

"Bye daddy." Grace replied sadly.

"I'll be back tomorrow at the same time, don't you worry." He reassured her and she nodded so he stood up. Then he waved pathetically to me and left the room.

Three kids with him. God, Veronica.

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