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A few days after the cops closed the case, I missed my period. I was pissed, absolutely positive that this was another way JD was going to ruin my life. I got in my car and drove to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. JD, as per fucking usual, followed me in his car.

I walked into the store and he followed me in there as well. I couldn't even be bothered to care, this was his fault anyways. If he wanted to be in my business, then this was going to be the way he found out. When I reached for a pregnancy test off the shelf, JD grabbed my arm.

"And what could you possibly need that for?" He asked me.

"Because you talked me out of getting off the pill and refused to use condoms after you promised you would." I reminded him, watching his face contort with annoyance.

We stood there just staring at one another for a minute before JD spoke up. "Grab the damn thing and check out." He demanded of me, his hand still on my arm. I yanked it out of his grasp, grabbed the pregnancy test and headed towards the registers.

Once I was done with my transaction and we were outside, JD grabbed my arm again and bent down towards my ear. "Get in my car and if you cause a scene, I swear to God, Veronica." He threatened me. I felt scared because this was the first time he'd been angry with me since I broke up with him. And his anger usually ends up with me getting a black eye or split lip. So I did as told and got into his car.

He drove back to his house instead of mine, going over the speed limit the whole drive. His brow was furrowed and he was gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white. When we got to his house, we got out of the car and went inside. Instinctually, I went to the bathroom. JD followed me in.

"I'd like some privacy while I actually take the test." I told him, defending myself despite the anxiety I felt being this close to him. I was on his turf, he could do anything he wanted to me here and he knew that. He scoffed. "Then I'm going home." I said, trying to move past him. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to stand in front of him.

"No, you aren't." He informed me.

"JD, you aren't my boyfriend anymore, you don't get a say in what I do." I muttered to him, slowly feeling my confidence leak out of me as the words left my mouth. I knew I shouldn't have said it and I wasn't surprised when he hit me.

"Take the fucking test." He ordered and I did. We waited in silence on opposite sides of the bathroom, with the test in his hands instead of mine. I don't know what he did while we waited but I prayed. Eventually, I heard the sound of plastic snapping. "God fucking dammit, Veronica!" He shouted at me.

"What did you think would happen?" I asked him.

"I thought we'd be together, for starters." He snapped at me. I knew what was about to happen and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. That didn't stop me from trying. I walked back to his bedroom instead of the too small bathroom without any hiding places from a rampage. He naturally followed me.

"I don't want to be with you." I told him and he sighed dramatically.

"It's been three weeks of this shit. Give it up already." He replied, going with the assumption that he would win over me again.

"No." I protested. But then he was walking up to me and wrapping his arms around my waist. "JD, stop." I said.

"I know you miss me." He crooned at me, his head bowed down towards mine.

"How could I ever have the chance to miss you when you're stalking me?" I asked him facetiously as I tried to pull away.

"I'm not stalking you, I'm protecting you." He argued with me. "You have no idea what people say they'll do to you." He added.

"The only person who's ever done anything to me is you." I reminded him, finally able to free myself from his grasp.

"I'm getting tired of playing this game with you." He said, sounding more bored than tired. "Fine, I'll drop it for now. But this isn't the last conversation we'll have on the matter." He went on.

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"So when are you gonna tell your parents that you're pregnant?" He asked me.

"Not for a while." I answered. He seemed surprised by this.

"You're seventeen." He told me, as if I was unaware of how old I was.

"What they don't know won't kill them." I shot back. "Besides, if I'm going to get an abortion, there's no point in telling them at all." I added.

"Who said anything about an abortion?" He queried, his voice giving away the fact that that wasn't the outcome he wanted.

"I'm not saying that's the choice I'm making, I'm simply saying it's an option. My point is that until I decide what I'm doing, I'm not telling anyone else." I explained myself to him and the annoyance slipped off his face.

"Do I not have a say?" He questioned me.

"You had a say in getting me pregnant. From that point on, it's my decision." I responded, to which he looked irritated. "Again, that doesn't mean I'm going to completely disregard your input." I amended.

"Alright." He muttered. "So what do you want to do?" He asked of me.

"I literally found out ten minutes ago, I have no idea what I'm going to do aside from getting a doctor's appointment." I informed him. He got sort of a pained expression on his face as he asked his next question.

"Can I go?" He asked me in a sort of quiet, embarrassed voice.

"Maybe." I answered. "But I need to go back to my car to go home." I said, just wanting this conversation to be over. It was starting to feel awkward.

"Okay." He replied before heading out. He drove me back to my car in silence and I was surprised to see that he didn't follow me home this time. It sort of made me feel lonely. I was surprised by that feeling, perhaps even a little bit disgusted by that. He was literally stalking me and when he stops, I feel lonely? What the fuck is up with pregnancy hormones???

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