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Seeing my mother was weird. I was still in the child's interviewing room when she arrived and found her way to me. She looked a little older, more like a grandmother than a mother. Her eyes held a sadness when she greeted Grace and Eden, who smiled back at her. As we got into the car, Grace pulled on my sleeve. "Where's daddy?" She asked me. I bent down to her level as my mother put Eden in the car. An officer went back to the house and got their booster seats for me.

"Daddy did some bad things and needs to go away for a while." I explained to her. Her small face scrunched up with confusion.

"I want daddy!" Grace shouted at me, stomping her foot to emphasize her point.

"Gracie, daddy's not here anymore." I told her, a lump forming in my throat. This was a mistake, I thought to myself.

It wasn't. Grace is just being a brat.

She's four, I reminded Heather silently. "If you get in the car, Gramma will stop at McDonald's." I said, using bribery to convince my daughter to leave her father in the past.

"Okay mama." Grace said back to me before finally getting in the car. I put our stuff in the trunk before getting in the passenger side seat. I sighed heavily. My mother began to drive us back to Sherwood.

"Am I able to stay at home?" I asked my mother as Grace and Eden babbled in the backseat to one another.

"Of course." My mother answered. "Once we get to Sherwood, you should schedule a doctor's appointment." She went on.

"For?" I queried.

"To make sure you're not having another child and that he didn't do any permanent damage to your body." She told me carefully, using the same tone I had with Grace.

"Okay." I replied before a silence brewed for a moment. I glanced at my mother. Her hands were tight around the steering wheel. "What do you want to say?" I asked her.

"If you're going to live at home, you have to start seeing a therapist and psychiatrist." She informed me the one condition to my salvation.

"For what?" I questioned haughtily as I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Stockholm syndrome, for starters." She responded, to which I said nothing. "You're paranoid and delusional. The psychiatrist that spoke to you was very concerned."

"So what?" I queried facetiously.

"If you refuse, then your father and I will take custody of Grace and Eden. You're in no place to care for them alone." She retorted, using the same snotty one she always did.

"Excuse you, but I've taken care of them their entire lives practically by myself." I scoffed at her accusation that I could not take care of my children. I could.

"Like Jason never helped." She snorted at me.

"He hardly did!" I exclaimed at her in frustration, gritting my teeth to keep from yelling. "Gracie!" I called for my four year old.

"What?" She asked me.

"Does daddy spend lots of time with you and Edie?" I asked her, trying to prove a point to my mother.

"Nuh-uh." Grace said, shaking her head as her blonde pigtails bobbed from side to side.

Aaaaaand point proven.

Piss off Heather.

Say, Veronica, why didn't you tell the psychiatrist about me?

Because then she'd have thought I was crazy. They would have taken away Grace and Eden. JD would be a free man.


Though I suppose it will come up eventually. JD will probably tell someone to try and discredit what I've said.

Absolutely, he will.

When she said that, I could see her perched on a bench we were passing. She had a smirk on her face. Smug bitch.


"Why did you kidnap Veronica Sawyer?" The one cop, a young annoying looking blonde man, asked me.

"Obviously because I didn't fucking anticipate her escaping." I told him sarcastically. I got hit with a phone book. They did that because it left no marks behind. I'd know - I'd hit Veronica with the one we owned a few times. "Listen, she came willingly." I went on.

"She told us that you knocked her out and when she woke up, she was tied up and blindfolded." The other cop, a sort of pretty woman who sort of reminded me of Veronica, said.

"And you believed her?" I asked, quirking my eyebrows at them. "Veronica is delusional. She has all these false ideas in her head. She's mentally ill." I added.

"If she's so sick, why are you with her?" The blonde cop asked me.

"To take care of her." I defended myself. But I knew it wasn't the true reason. The real reason I was with Veronica, besides the fact that she was literally perfect when she acted right, was because she was easy.

I could tell right away when I saw her in the cafeteria that she hated all of the shit she was tangled up in. Hated Heather Chandler and everything she stood for. So we killed the queen of Westerburg. She proved that she had a bad side to her when she forged the note. When we shot Kurt and Ram, she wrote the note again. She was easy to convince. Easy to manipulate. Easy to fuck. Together, we toppled the royalty of Westerburg and rebuilt it.

What is royalty in the face of two gods?

Of course, the police didn't believe me. Why the fuck would they? I beat Veronica to a bloody pulp and raped her eight times before I kidnapped Grace. I personally think it's a miracle that the police didn't arrive sooner, if they had they would have caught me and there'd be no Eden.

God, could Eden work my nerves though. She cried more than any other fucking child I'd had the displeasure of knowing. To be clear, I love my own children. I just hate every child beside that. They tend to be really fucking annoying. Eden is one of those children. Unlike Grace, who is an incredibly well behaved child. I already missed my sweet Grace and Eden.

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