F O U R T Y - S E V E N

515 26 3

Taking Kaminari to the Jade Bats would a risky move and he knew it. Especially with the million triggers in there. But he'd made a promise to Boss. Mineta was going to tag along since it was somehow better to stay with a violent hero-wannabe than in his own neighborhood. 

So as the waited for Kaminari, they sat on the curbside, creating forts out of rocks for the ants.

"How do you think this is going to go?" He was asked.

"Uh, ideally it won't get violent and I'll be fine, but worse case scenario I'll end up doing illegal stuff and they'll get violent. I think it'll go okay, I put on a good show last time"

"Illegal... Like what you did last time?" Katsuki turned to see a sly smile on the short boy's mouth.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. You're not allowed to tell Kami about that. It our secret" The blinding smile he received was plenty of an answer.

"Katsuki!" He looked over and saw his boyfriend, waving enthusiastically. The teen wore baggy jeans and a black sweatshirt that held lightning bolts on the sleeves. Nothing that surprised him, the teen always wore some sort of design that followed along with his quirk. In fact, he found it cute that the boy had such a liking to his own quirk.

He'd have to be careful with them, he had no way to predict how meeting up with the Bats would go.

Oh well, that wasn't Purote's problem. He could protect them both and all those who'd been in or knew him wouldn't dare touch him or those two. So he grinned as he led them, a satisfied smirk 

His code, five knocks, two kicks.

"Purote! Welcome back" The 'guard' beamed, chipper as always. This was one of the guys who would bandage him up. He was good at it, years of experience making him the go-to for medical problems.

"Yeah, yeah. Where's bossman?"

The man shrugged, jabbing a thumb in the general direction of the bar. Purote sighed, this could go two completely different ways.

Two very different ways.

He led them through the halls to the back bar. It was full. The one guy he'd beat the shit out of last time was sitting at one of the small tables. How fun.

"Oh! Purote!"

Eyes turned to him. The guy he'd hit kept his gaze down. There were some unfamiliar faces, but no one seemed to be upset with his arrival. Boss stood from the bar to come see him.

His hair was ruffled when the man neared. "Hey kid"

"Hey. This's Kami, you wanted to know how my damn date went. Here's you evidence"

Kaminari smiled at Boss and Purote felt proud. He'd really gotten the right person. Boss was important to him and this having Kaminari be okay with him felt so good.

The boy extended a hand. "Hi, I'm Denki Kaminari! I've heard about you. You're so much cooler in person"

The man laughed, as did a few in the room. Boss took his boyfriend's hand. "You're a good fit, kiddo"

While he did try go pay attention to their conversation, Purote let his gaze drift to the bar, all the glistening glass bottles drawing his eyes. The barkeeper, Takahashi, stepped between him and the bar, blocking his view with a soft, knowing look.

He sighed, knowing that his desires wouldn't and shouldn't be acted on. He almost missed being able to waltz in and grab a bottle of any of those. They never stopped him before. Boss must've stepped in and told them all to keep said 'bad influences' away from him.

What a killjoy.

Purote scanned the room, locking eyes with the newbie who he'd beaten. The guy quickly looked down at the table after their eyes briefly met. He couldn't help the grin that stretched his lips.

Since Boss was with them, Purote trusted the man to protect them if need be. He moved, walking towards the newbie. Those who'd been present last time tensed out of the corner of his eyes.

He slid into the seat opposite of the newbie. "So," He started. The man looked up with a horrified expression. "I assume you know what I'm here for?"

"I'm sorry for last time. I was wrong" the man quickly said, still avoiding his gaze. Purote was satisfied, but leant forward.

"Do that shit again and I'll finish the job"

Out of the whole group, Purote was one of the few no one messed with. He was the youngest by far, but he fought better than many of them.

He'd proved that he was capable of being Boss's right hand man long ago. He was the unofficial queen on the chessboard; he could do it all. While he came for those weeks, he made sure that they knew who he was and what he could do.

From beating those that didn't pay up during his deliveries to swapping stories with them on bad days, he made sure they knew he was Purotekuta, the protector of block sixteen and the one who could take any of them without his quirk.

They made sure of that, they taught him, educated him in their ways. Their techniques, they street smarts, their rules and moral codes. He kept their knowledge, forever to wield it, no matter what.

"Purote" He looked up, gaze drifting to the source of the voice. Mineta locked eyes with him, shifting slightly.

"Ah, time to go" He mumbled to himself as he stood from the seat he'd been in. The newbie let out a quiet sigh of relief. Purote leant down to the man.

"See ya next time, newbie"

With that, he walked back over to his deemed group of safe people. Kaminari held out a hand to him and he took it.

Purote turned back to face the rest of the members. He held up their intertwined hands.

"Touch him and I'll fucking kill you, yeah?"— Nods met his words along with a few sarcastic 'yes sir's. —"Wonderful, let's go. You comin'?"

Boss shook his head. "Next time, kid. I've got a meeting with the head of the Vipers"

With a scoff, Purote began leading his boyfriend and friend out. "She's an asshole"

"Don't I know it"

Purote grinned as the front 'guard', he always went by Blue, made him promise to come back. Of course he would.

He may have bad memories associated with the Jade Bats, but he also had many good ones.

Purote would always come back. Even if he had to face those memories. Boss was there for him, he always was and always would be.

He had promised, after all.

Word Count: 1124

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