Four. (Nº489)'s POV

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We got back to our cell an hour and a half before bed. Frank limped into the room and crashed onto his matress. He had fallen in the stairs on the way here. Like always, I dragged out my sketchbook and pencils and started drawing.

I could feel his little head hovering over me, watching me draw. I was recreating Party Poison, my childhood favorite comic book character. I colored in his red hair, yellow mask and grey vest. He was the reason I had dyed my hair this unusual color.

"He looks like you. Is it?" He asked, peering over my shoulder.

"Sort of. He's a comic book character." I said without looking at him, focusing on Party Poison's cheeks.

"You like comics? I do too." He added. We actually had more in common than I thought. Both were bullied in highschool, both were homeschooled at least once, both were more of a dog person, and both were geeks for comics and video games.

Sadly, we're in jail and had no access to either. I sighed and he sat on my bed, that was next to the desk I was leaning on.

"489?" He asked.

"Mhm?" I answered.

"What's your real name? Calling you Nº489 is getting a bit long and awkward." I understand if you don't wanna talk about it. I'd just like to know."

I looked in front of me and kept my eyes there for longer than I thought. What was my name? I hadn't thought about it or said it in so long I had almost forgotten it.


"GeeGee, honey?" My mom called from downstairs. "Your breakfast it ready!"

I rolled out of bed, almost hitting my head on my nightstand. Mikey's head popped out from the side of the door frame.

"Morning, Geecake!" He teased, grinning. I scruntched up my face and rolled over, hiding my head under my pillow. That place felt like home, warm and cosy. I finally got out of bed and threw on a band T-Shirt, some skinny jeans and a gray beanie.

I then hopped dowm the dark auburn stairs towards the kitchen where my mother was waiting for me.

"Sleep well, babycakes?" I cringed at the name and nodded, sipping at my orange juice and finishing my history essay. Mikey stomped down the stairs and made his way to the stool next to me. He was 9 and I was 13, 4 years older.

"You kids are going to your father's house this weekend okay?" She said, leaning on the table with an IKEA magazine in her hand. I nodded, so did Mikey. We went there every weekend if we could. He sometimes was on a date with some lady so we would have to wait another week.

Mikey slammed his orange juice cup onto the table and ran to the door, clutching his schoolbag with two hands.

"Can we go now?" He was excited to leave for school. How? School sucks! Teachers suck! Homework sucks! Having no friends sucks!

I got up and scooped up my shoulder bag. Kissed my mama on the cheek and opened the front door. Mikey ran out and hopped onto his small bike.

"Try to make friends! Especially you, Gerard Arthur Way!"

~end of flashback~

"Dude?" Frank called from next to me. I snapped out of it and looked at him, scared.

"You okay? Shouldv'e I not asked? Sorry! I just..." He was studdering at amost every word he said. "I'm stupid. I thought it would be okay but visibly not, I-" he was stressing out and talking too fast.

"Gerard" I said slowly but surely. He shut up and stared at me.

"Gerard Arthur Way" I repeated. He just kept looking at me. Saying my name again felt weird, but awesome. I felt like a person again. After 5 years, I had literally forgotten my name. I had also forgotten my brother Mikey and mother.

"That's your name?" Frank asked, breaking the minute-long silence.

"Yeah..." I replied, slowly.

"How did you remember?"

"I remembered my first day of school, the year before the fire." He nodded understandingly, knowing this conversation was over and that I didn't want to discuss this anymore.

"I'm gonna go shower, you should too, it'll clear your head." He said softly before leaving the cell and walking towards the common showering area.

He's right, it will clear my head. Plus, I probably smelled like a cow had done its business on my head... I stood up, or at least tried. I quickly crumbled over and everything went black.

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