Twenty One. (Frank's POV)

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"Do you have an appointment?" The lady at the elderly's home lobby counter asked, peering up through her cat-eye glasses. She was so damn short, shorten than me? Probably. I'm about 5,4 so she's a legal dwarf. No offense to dwarfs though, she's so goddamn ugly.

"Uh, yes." Gee hesitated, looking at me to ask for my approval.

"Uh... Uhm, yeah. With mr. Smith!" I blurted out in panic.

"Right." He said, giving me the what-the-fuck-are-you-saying look. I shrugged as the lady flipped through her adgenda, checked her pile of loose post-it notes and her excel table on her computer.

"Okay. Mr Smith is in room 12. Here is the key and one more thing: he is diabetic so don't feed it anything!" She said in a squeaky old-woman's voice. We both nodded and followed the direction she pointed in to go down a cold and dark hallway. I hope I never end up like her, geez.

"Mr. Smith?!" He said, punching me in the arm playfully once we got far enough from the lady so she couldn't hear us.

"What? It's a very common last name..." I said laughing.

"And he's diabetic, like me." He said, visibly cheered up. I smiled and swung open door nº 12. The room was dark, illuminated with only the few rays of light the blinds over the only window let through. Gee patted the walls to find a switch, once he did he flipped it on and I scanned the room as the lights flickered on.

"Is he dead?" I asked, walking towards a very still and quiet mr. Smith. I poked at his veiny hand and received no answer.

"Frankie, we don't have time for old people, get in the shower before nurses get here." He snapped, pointing at the moldy and rather very unattractive shower. I nodded quickly and made my way to the cubicle.

I heard Gerard poke around the room looking for things to keep as I slipped off my smelly sweatpants and shirt and got in the shower. The water was actually surprisingly warm for such a lonely and gloomy area. I quickly washed myself to keep some water for Gee and got out once I was done.

I got dressed in the smelly clothes again and walked out into the bedroom area. I don't really see the point in showering to smell nice if we're gonna get dressed in already gross clothes...

Anyway I walked out and Gee smiled. He skipped to me, gave me a peck on the cheek and slided into the bathroom himself.

When we were all done, we sneaked out the room and back out the building

"Gee, we needa find something to use as a defense." I said.

"Right. Like a gun or something? Where though? People here don't just sell guns."

"We could steal one from the police if we find one? We could steal it from a sort of gangster?"

"Frankie, have you seen how small and fragile you are? I'm no better but we're never gonna be able to steal from a 7 foot tall muscleman." He laughed. I shrugged stupidly.

"So police then?"

"I guess, it's our only option so far"


After a few hours of walking, we reached a station. It wasn't one of those fancy ones with bug trucks, shiny walls, an actual parking lot and stuff. It was small, didn't have a color scheme installed which made it look messy and... Unpleasant.

"Do you see those two guards?" He asked, peering over a bush next to me and pointing over at two men at the entrance to the building. It was more like a large kiosk than a station.

I nodded.

"Okay. I don't really know what we're gonna do or how to explain it so just follow me." He said. I loved it when he got serious like that, he always bit his lip and ran his hands through his hair.

He kissed me hard on the lips before standing up and sneaking from behind one tree to another to eventually reach a large column.

"I love you." I whispered. He didn't see me or hear me but he knows I love him either way.

Once he got about 20 meters away from the guards, he looked at me, pointed to the column opposite him and shoved his head, telling me to go there like he did wordlessly.

I nodded again and swiftly made my way from tree to tree, carefully avoiding the gaze of the police officers. After getting to the column, Gerard saw me, smiled and mouthed:

"I love you, Frankie."

"I love you too, Gerard" I replied without saying a word.

He looked away to the guards and then pounced onto the officer. His legs were wrapped around him like he was being given a piggy back ride, but he was tugging onto the man's brown hair and yanking in all directions.

When the second guy started to move to Gerard, I understood that was my queue to go. I quickly got to the men, grabbed a medium-sized white bat from his belt and slammed it into the second guy's head. It started bleeding pretty fast as he fell onto the ground, not moving.

Gerard then did the same. We were both left standing in front of two knocked out police officers, holding their weapons.

"Not bad. We make a good team." He said, smirking.

I giggled like a little girl.

""Do you think they have keys to inside? Could we get a gun?" I asked, squatting to rummage through the guard's pockets.

"Hm, maybe. I doubt it but still, take a look." He answered, looking around the building's entrance.

He walked to the door and tried to open it. It flew open easily.

"We won't be needing one after all..." He said, slowly walking inside.

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