Eight (Gerard's POV)

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I couldn't believe what he had just said. I felt my heart fall to my feet as I fell back down against the bed and started to cry, shouting awful things at myself. Brendon told Frank something else, and made him leave. I was both relieved and crushed to see him go, slamming the door behind him. The metal booming sound echoed throughout the whole cell, making the ground and bed I was on shake.

Brendon sat next to me and stroked my hair.

"I'm fine with you the way you are." He cooed as he leaned down and kissed my chapped lips. He stayed there for a little while and then got back up to hug me.

It didn't surprise me he would do that, so I went with it, slightly kissing back by raising my head as he backed away. I smiled when he did and realized my eyes started to feel crazily heavy.

"Can I crash here? Would that be okay with Pete?" I muttered, keeping his taste on my lips for the sake of getting the old taste of cigarettes out.

"Sure, I'll figure it out with him." He nodded as he opened the door behind him, checking for guards. I looked at him, smiled and then snuggled my head in the crook of my elbow, ready to sleep.

"I love you, Gee. I always have." I heard him whisper as he left, thinking I was asleep. I wasn't able to answer or really realize what he had said because my brain had decided to shut down before my conscious did.


The same beeping there is every morning abruptly woke me up the next morning. It took me few seconds to realize I was in Brendon's cell, since I was in a bed on the opposite wall I usually am, and Pete was still snoring next to me.

"Pete, get up!" I said, somewhat softly while I poked at his shoulder blades. He moaned and turned to me.

"Gee? What're you doing here? Where Brendon?" He asked, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

I patted my jumpsuit, making some dust fly off and opened the cold metal door to go pee. I got to the bathrooms and opened an empty stall, did my business and then walked out to the sinks. To my surprise, wether it be good or bad, Frank was standing there, wiping the tears that were streaming out of his eyes.

"Morning." He muffled at the sight of me. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I noticed we both had the same facial expression: sad, eyes red from crying and smudged eyeliner.

I tried to smile and turned on the tap to let the ice cold water drip onto my hands. I washed them like normal and dried them with a tissue paper. Throughout my whole bathroom visit, we had only exchanged one word, it was his. For the rest of the time, we sighed, he cried a bit and then I left.

I think my feelings for him were starting to fade, not that they were ever bold, but they were definitely existant.

I got back to the cell, dodging the guards like I usually do and walked in casually. Brendon was there but Pete had left.

"Hey. Can we talk about yesterday?" I told him, he quickly sat up straight and nodded.

"Yeah, sure. Anything. What's on your mind." He asked, crossing his legs and looking deeply into my eyes.

"Well, I heard you last night, when you left and thought I was asleep." I admitted. He nodded slowly, turned to face the wall and sighed. I sat down next to him and looked at the point in the wall he was staring at.

"So? What should we do about that?" I asked after a short and uncomfortable silence.

"You now know I have loved you from the start. The story's long. I don't wanna bore you." He said, somewhat confidently.

"No, seriously. I want to know everything. That way, I might be able to get out of this mess I made." I replied quickly and surely. Brendon nodded.

"So it all started when I got here and was your cellmate for a year before changing to Pete when he got here. I'm not sure if you ever notice but a month after I had arrived, my former girlfriend, Carina killed herself. She left a note to her parents that she couldn't live without me, that her parents were already killing her with comments about my criminal record and shit like that and finally, that she hoped they would scream and cry when they would realize she was writing in her blood." He choked out every word.

"She had hung herself with a belt tied to her shower. When her parents found her, she had cuts all over her arms and legs, she had dyed the shower water red with blood." I saw a tear trickle down his left eye and he coughed, denying he was starting to cry.

"When I got the phone call, I decided life wasn't worth living anymore. I had lost the one person I cared so deeply for. She did it for me, so I wanted to return the favour to finally be with her, just not on earth. What I had decided to to was to die the same way she had. I ripped the sharp razors out of the Library's sharpeners and grabbed a belt from the Security guard's room downstairs. When I had made up my mind and started walking to the bathroom, you were there. Remember?" I nodded. I remembered perfectly.

"When I saw you, I quickly threw the belt away into the close-by trash can and only kept the razors. At least I would bleed to death. Then you told be I was worth more, that she had done it selfishly and dying with her was useless, since she did it to somewhat get away from me, like I was making her life hard. I then agreed disposed of the razors and hugged you, telling you how you had just saved my life. I knew I loved you since that day." He said, shaking.

I scooted closer to him and pressed my lips against his rough, badly shaven cheeks. He turned to me, smiled and parted his lips.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked, his head tilted. I nodded. I had nothing to lose, Frank probably despised me and no one else would love me, considering I had a life sentence. Brendon leaned in and breathed against me. Our lips then crashed and he pinned me down to the bed.

Our small kiss then quickly turned into a make out session and her whispered, kissing my neck,

"Thanks. I love you."

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