Sixteen (Frank's POV)

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I was glad to be back. Well... Glad isn't strong enough. I was overjoyed. It was kind lf overwhelming at times... It just seemed like things had gone back to normal, Gee was back in my cell, we were together and happy, days went my quickly and I actually didn't see time fly. The last time I had tried to kill myself was already 6 months ago.

I lay on my bed, reading Time Rider by Alex Scarrow. It's a great book, really. Gerard was slouching on his desk chair and drawing again. I had gotten him a new sketchbook for his birthday, I managed to trade a few bars of soap I had stolen from the bathrooms against one with a hobo living outside the prison.

Anyway, Gee said it was the most thoughtful present ever and that he loved me so much ladeedaa etc etc. I love him too, to clarify. Just that we feel more like a boring married couple now, rather than before, when sparks flew whenever we were around each-other or heard each-other's names...

Again, don't get me wrong, I love Gee so much I love him more than I miss my dog, Sweet Pea. Don't judge the name, I love that dog.

It often hits me how much I miss my family. I've been trying to reach my mom and parents lately but apparently I'm not authorized to anymore... Maybe the cleaning lady answered once and freaked when it said my name, if you deny a call from a prison, the person isn't allowed to call again.

I really want to know what Mum wanted to say before my 2 minutes were up, last time. I had called another time after that but she refused to speak about it...

"What do you think?" Gee peeped, raising his book over his hair that he had now dyed black, to my strong discontent. It was like red was his trademark, but he said it carried too many memories, and too many of them bad. Besides, black suited him perfectly.

"It's perfect. Truly." I said, smiling. He had drawn a sort of dove-like bird, only it was red. The dove was flying in the middle of a flock of white doves, like it was the odd one out. A bullet is shooting through them, hitting none but startling a few. Gerard smiled and turned to his desk again, bobbing his head up and down as he drew, humming a nursery rhyme.

I giggled and walked to the door.

"When can we go eat?" I asked, opening the little trapdoor on the metal door and looking outside to see a desert hallway.

"Uh... 15 minutes I think." Gerard said, scratching his head and sharpening his pencil, not turning away from his drawing. His black hair fell down to his neck and sort of curled at the end, it looked nice.

"Hey... Are you okay?" He asked sweetly, turning around and leaning his folded arms on the back of the chair. I looked back at him and tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

"Uh... Yeah?" I quickly answered. "Do I look different? I asked, rubbing my cheek. Did he draw something on my face? Gee just giggled and got up, making the chair screech as it dragged on the cement floor. He slumped next to me and smiled.

"I love you." He whispered as he lay his head on my shoulder. I played with the seam of his jumpsuit pocket and chuckled.

"I love you too." I said back, tightening my arm around him and pecking him on the nose, making him squish up his face adorably. He then sat back up, breaking the hug.

"Do you think... We'll ever get out?" He questioned, playing with his fingers and looking down at the floor.

"Well, I know I will eventually... But..." Yeah, I knew he'd never come with me, stupid life sentence.

"I'll stay." He sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head back.

"Okay then, when I get out, the first thing I'll do is barge into a home and kill the family in it, then I'll be back, probably with a life sentence. We can be together again, forever." He laughed and scratched his nose. What? I was being serious! If killing an innocent family is what it takes to stay with him forever, then that's what I'll do!

"Frankie, you can't just go around killing people just to be with me..." He started but I interrupted him.

"Gee, I love you and I'll do whatever it takes to be with you." I stated, crossing my legs on the bed and facing him.

"But... I just don't want you to risk maybe getting the death penalty." He whispered, taking my hands in his and cradling them. I nodded. Maybe he was right, we might not be together when I leave anyway. But if we are, leaving him would be too hard.

"I just don't ever want to leave you, even if it means staying in a small cell for the rest of my freaking life!" I shouted enthusiastically, flailing my hands in the air and laughing. He grinned and kissed me right on the lips. Naturally, I kissed back and grabbed his hair, god it was greasy...

Our small (and short) make out session ended with a loud banging on the door.

"Nº 499 is to go to the office now. Nº 499! Out!" I sighed, let go of Gee's face and made my way to the door. I felt Gerard's disappointment as I opened the cell door and left, smiling at him as he waved.

I walked down the cold hallways. They had built a wall to cover the open space, so now I couldn't see down the atrium where the caf was. Instead, it became a freezing, lonely and dark hallway where not much people went through anymore, they just avoided it.

The guard escorted me to the office and gestured impolitely to the large wooden door. Written on it was "Officer Iero".

What. The. Heck.

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