Twenty Three. (Gerards's POV)

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"Are you sure?" He asked, rising from the floor, his face lighting up a tad. I nodded. Well, I wasn't 100% sure about what I had just said or gotten myself into but I know ai would do anything to make him happy.

The only thing worrying me is having to do it. Frank, believe it or not had saved me. He saved me from the monster I was becoming and changed my life for the better. Seeing him go or even worse, making him go was my worst nightmare.

In my life, I had only felt this way about one other person, she was a girl. It was a stupid young love. You know, the sort of summer romance you see in movies and either dream of having or make fun of because of how unrealistic they are.

Her name was Elena and she was beautiful. She had long platinum blond hair, always straight. Her eyes were a chocolate brown, with dashes of blue and yellow. I really loved her. The day her parents found out about their perfect straight A student was dating a rebellious emo kid from the streets, they flipped.

She was forced to change completely. Her mother chopped her locks to her neck, dyed it brown and moved her school. We still loved eachother but were completely seperated.

That's when I fell apart, broke down and started going crazy. I went on a murder spree in a few shopping malls, killed my own father, attempted suicide three times...

"Gerard?" A small voice squeaked as a hand pushed my shoulder forward and backward.

"Uh... Yeah?" I said, waking up and rubbing my eyes open.

"You were dreaming... Having a nightmare. Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes watery.

"Yeah yeah, don't worry. What about you? You don't look okay." I said, yawning and then cupping his jaw in one hand and tucking a strand of his hair behind his left ear with the other.

"Just feeling bad for Pete and the others. I mean, I was only there for like a few months but they still helped me out rather than doing it themselves, which they very well could've done. In stead of escaping themselves, they helped me do it, you know? I just feel horrible, like I owe them my life?"

"What? No, don't worry. I know them all super well and they would want the best for me just like I do for you. I wanted us to escape, to be free, they helped because they'd want that for me too." I answered, twirling his brown hair. The black dye had faded slowly and was leaving a few marks or his natural ashy color.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am, I always am." I joked.

"Also, when we... You know, are officially free, do you have any plans... For us?" He asked.

"Well, Frank... We'll never be officially free. I have a life sentence and you have a few years left, don't you?"

"Oh right, but then what are you imagining for us?"

"Well, imagine yourself waking up to the sound of birds singing outside your window and the sun shining onto your bed covers. You slowly get out of bed and you smell bacon cooking downstairs. Excited, you skip down the stairs to see a beautiful little girl running to you. She jumps into your arms. You then see me poke out of the kitchen, holding a pan."

"I'd love that. The little girl is our future daughter, right? What's her name?"

"What should we name her?"

"Something that has to do with our story, but original and different from all the other girls that she'll be friends with at school."

"Bandit. Bandit Way-Iero."

"That's perfect." He said, kissing me on the cheek.

We laid there, holding each other for what seemed like hours. Honestly, I never wanted it to end. I could stay there forever and ever, by Frank's side. Every once in a while, Frank would whisper something in his sleep and I would either giggle to myself or wake him up depending on if it seemed to be a dream or nightmare.

That's when I heard the sirens.

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