Eleven. (Frank's POV)

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"The phone booth has been installed behind the security checking area. Worldwide phone calls last two minutes and are recorded. Do not share private information or you will be served the death penalty. The phone booth has been installed behind the security checking area. Worldwide phone calls last two minutes and are recorded. Do not share private information or you will be served the death penalty." The speaker voice shouted through the room.

I was asleep in my own bed, probably had fallen asleep while crying. I turned on thesmall desk light and faint, dim rays of light flew around the room. Pete was sleeping in Gerard's bed, I figured Gee would move out to be with Brendon.

"Morning." Pete muttered, scratching his eyes and yawning. I nodded and somewhat smiled.

I figured I wouldn't be like Brendon had been, all suicidal and depressed that Gerard had rejected me. I'd look on the bright side, no matter how much I cringed at the fact it made me think of High School Musical. How Gabriella's always happy. I hate that, happiness overloads and exaggerations make people boring.

I decided I will wait for Gerard to realize I actually love him and he loves me back, not Brendon. Or at least I hope. I got out of bed and dusted off my jumpsuit. The usual orangey color had faded to a brown-beige color, with still subtle hints of its true orange shade here and there.

Maybe today I'd check out that phone booth during break, when I wasn't scrubbing dishes or cleaning jumpsuits to then hand out. Today was Monday, meaning the chores would start.

Everyday, we're given from two to three chores we have to perform. Then there are some "extra credit" ones you can do to try clear your name and shorten your prison sentence. Your obligatory chores were given to you on a clipboard posted on your cell door.

Your name, the day and additional info is written on there, along with the chore, how much points they give (usually about 1-8, takes about 20,000 to shorten sentence by half a year) and wether or not you have completed them and possibly extra ones.

I reached through the cold bars and grabbed the wooden clipboard to turn it around.

Frank Iero
October 31, 1981
Belleville, New Jersey, United States

07:30-8:40 ~ After Breakfast Dishes (2 points)

12:45-13:10 ~ Common Laundry (3 points)

22:10-22:50 ~ After Dinner Dishes (2 points)

Eh, not too bad for a first day. I had dishes in an hour after breakfast.

"Pete? Can you come with me to breakfast? I don't wanna be alone." I pleaded. He just rolled over to the wall and fell asleep again. I groaned, rolled my eyes and opened the door to get food early, not that I was going to eat it, but maybe it'll be gross and warm instead of gross and cold. I immediately regretted ever thinking this prison was calm. On weekends, yes, but now people were streaming out of cells, lining up to eat and talking. Some were sweeping floors the Caf floors and cleaning the bathrooms as morning chores.

I struggled to fight my way through the crows, being smushed like an old banana between huge muscly dudes because of my inferior height. I felt like an imp waddling next to tall and muscular guys. I got a tray and lined up like everyone else. I spotted Patrick and Spencer serving food, giving the usual Caf lady a break, I guess...

They smiled at me when the saw my face and tray sliding towards them.

"Hey buddy, we heard about what happened, you okay?" Patrick asked empathetically.

I nodded. Well no, I wasn't okay but I didn't want to bore people with my emotional strories and frenzies. I just let Spencer hand me a plate of goo and walked to a table. It seemed like empty tables were impossible on weekdays, so I sat at a table of guys, they seemed okay.

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