Twenty (Gerard's POV)

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"We did it, Frankie. We're free." I said, pushing my hair out of my fave and smiling at him. He smiled back, in shock. It takes him time to register things.

"Oh my god." He said after a pretty long while, wiping sweat off his forehead and slumping onto a large rock.

"Yeah. How far do you think we are from a gas station?" I asked. He shrugged and looked around cluelessly.

"Maybe we should just walk in a straight line, we'll eventually reach a road, which will eventually to a village or something." He answered clutching his abdomen, he probably had a stitch.

I nodded and started marching in the same direction we had left, straight down the woods. Frankie sighed and whined as he scattered up and slouched when catching up with me. I guess you could say I'm a fast walker.

"How much longer?" he said after half an hour of walking with no sigh of roads or paths.

"Listen Frankie, we just got out of jail and are running. We might be being chased, we don't know. All I do know is that we need to change clothes, shower and find food." I snapped. I hope he didn't take it personally that I had pretty much raised my tone from cute little kitten to raging badger or some shit.

But no, instead he just nodded, sighed and kept walking. His feet dragged along his body in the mud of the forest and he kept his head down at all times. I think the whole jail thing still hadn't sunk in. The fact his dad is an officer and that we just escaped thanks to an old key his mum had given him doesn't really help either.

After what felt like hours we met a road. It was tarred so probably lead to a village of some sort. I chose to go left, like I always do and just followed the grey stone. Frank moaned every few minutes, saying his feet hurt, his head felt like it was going to explode etcetera etcetera.

I love him but he really needs to grow a pair sometimes. I mean, if this was all the walking and effort he could take, he was pretty much screwed since we have way more to go.

"Gee, there!" He said, raising his little mop of hair up and pointing at the area behind me, his green eyes budging. I turned to see what it was and sure enough, we had arrived at the entrance of a village. Or at least 3km away from one.

Battery City, 3km

"Well that'll have to do." I said, looking at a blue sign mounted on top of a small hill of grass. I think I forgot to mention walking on something other than cement and stone was like heaven. You know, the little things: the birds, flowers, water... No matter how cheesy it sounds, you really miss them when you spend 5 years in jail.

Frankie suddenly sped up and overtook me, speed-walking ahead and towards a small building maybe 500m away. His little head bobbed up and down whenever he took a pace, his left leg limping.

"Frank, what are you doing?" I said grumpily. Sorry but I can't be in a good mood when it's like 50 degrees out here in the sun and I just walked a hundred miles.

"Hungry." He said simply, bouncing to the building and getting to the front door quickly.

"Frank, no one's gonna invite us in if we're dressed like we just escaped." I said in a "duh" tone.

"But we did." He replied. I rolled my eyes at him and walked to an outside blue and gray trash bin. I dug through and found two shirts, one big one small, some sports pants and a pair of girl's short shorts.

I slipped of the big shirt and short shorts and threw Frank the other stuff. I then bit open seam of my jumpsuit and ripped it into pieces before throwing it into the bigy blue, smelly box. Frankie the did the same and we were on our way.

15 minutes later, we had reached a gas station. We had received a few awkward stares along the way due to our disgusting hair, scrappy clothes, vile smell and the fact I looked like a 12 year old girl on her way back from the community pool with her dad.

The man at the cash register gave us a nasty look as we walked through the open glass door and strolled into the store. Frank grabbed two cans of redbull from a freezer shelf and I took a bottle of spray deodorant, along with a pack of Prince cookies.

"Gee, how are we gonna pay?" Frank nudged me while I read the ingredients at the back of the deodorant.

Instead of answering with a shrug, I slowly tiptoed to a lady picking out fat free milks and grabbed a leather handbag attached to the handles of a metal shopping cart. I did it so casually she took no notice.

Frank giggled in excitement as I scurried back behind an isle of cleaning products to check what was in the bag. A wallet with 30 dollars, a nokia phone, lipstick, tampons, a picture of an ugly bearded dude and a few loose papers. I took out the money and phone and left the bag in the isle. She'll hopefully think she forgot it there or something.

We both hurried to the checkout and paid for our stuff like normal people would.

"Hey man, any idea where we can grab a shower around here?" I asked as I packed our things in a pink plastic bag.

"There's an elderly home a few blocks away if you're that desperate." He said, visibky holding his breath to avoid smelling us. I gave him an ugly face and grabbed Frankie by the sleeve of his gray shirt.

"C'mon, let's go find that elderly home." I snapped. He followed without a word.

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