Seven. (Frank's POV)

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Before I had even realized what had even happened, I was running out the cell wether I was allowed to or not, and beelining to the bathroom. I don't really know why I didn't go to Pete or Brendon's cell. I guess I was in desperate need of alone time, which was ironic since I hate being alone.

I reached the restrooms and slammed my hands against the cold plastic counters in front of three seperated dirty blue mirrors. I stared at myself, confused in many ways. It's not like Gerard had actually kissed me anyway, it's not a big deal, only the forehead. He probably does that to all his friends.

Maybe I was just overreacting, he might be just sitting on his bed, confused as to why I had ran out on him when he was simply being a good friend and comforting me. I looked at my blurry reflection, wiping my eyes, not realizing I had been crying. God, I gotta stop doing that! It's like every time I'm gonna cry, I just tell myself crap, here come the waterworks.

My eyes soon became red and irritated from all the rubbing and my hair was covering them as well as my cheeks and nose. I really needed a haircut, but most importantly, I needed to talk to someone. I sniffed, rubbed my nose and threw away a wet and used tissue.

I slowly walked out of the bathrooms, holding one arm across my chest, feeling exposed and vulnerable. A few people stopped to look at me. I figured not much people around here had emotions, or at least didn't bother show them.

"Buddy, you alright?" A voice said from behind me. I didn't stop walking and just sobbed a bit. The guy's grabbed my right shoulder and turned me around. It was Patrick. His lips pouted at the sight of my red and blotchy face. I forced a smile.

"I'm okay, it's fine. Don't bother." I sighed. I honestly didn't feel like comforting right now. He walked closer and put a pale arm around me and looked at himself in the mirror.

"No you're not. I can tell you'r crying you know? I'm not stupid." He cooed, grabbing a tissue to dry my eyes again.

"It' fine, and you don't need to do that, mom." I whined, my eyes becoming a dark red. He was visibly offended when he backed away. He grabbed the towel he had walked in with and walked out without making a noise.

Again? Do I have a problem with relationships? I keep messing up and ruining things. How was I gonna go to bed? I can't just walk back in to my cell, Gerard would freak at the sight of me and I wouldn't be able to sleep, knowing he's right next to me and kissed me earlier...

What if I did like him the way he liked me? Or what if he was just being nice?

Without thinking too much, I walked in any way I could to Pete's cell, avoiding the nasty looks from the fat officer and tough muscly guys, I think I've had enough of them for my sentence.

I got there and knocked on the door, slow and unsure about what to say when he would open the door to reveal a blotchy-faced and pale Frank with running eyeliner and messy hair. The flap covering the window opened and I saw two big, brown eyes stare at me. His expression went from a welcoming smile to a frown. He then closed the flap before I could explain and opened the door so I could only see his face and jumpsuit. It was like he was hiding something behind him.

"Hey... Frank. You alright?" He said, emphasizing my name. I raised an eyebrow and looked behind him. Just that second, he followed my eyes with his shoulders to avoid me seeing behind him.

"Stop that!" I said, my eyes watering. Here come the waterworks I told myself as he sighed and started to open the door.

I saw a pile of orange fabric lying on a bed, his face buried in a pillow and breathing heavily, soaking the pillow. Gerard? Why was he here? I hadn't seen him leave our cell.

"Oh god. Gerard?" I said almost inaudibly, my voice creaking because of how much I had coughed when I was crying. He didn't look away from his pillow and probably didn't even notice I was there. That's why Brendon had said my name loudly before, to give him a heads-up I was here.

I sat on the matress and sighed, looking at what I had done, or he had done. I had no idea. Gerard looked at me, his face also messed up and his eyeliner imprinted onto the pillowcase.

"Frank! I'm sorry I- I didn't know that..." He was constantly cut by sobs as tears flowed into his nose and mouth. I was mad, yes but wanted to both hug him and say it's fine and slap him, change cell to never see him again. So I did none, I sat there, awkwardly as Brendon did the work for me.

I looked a bit stupid, not helping my own cellmate, but at least I saw he felt bad and regretted doing that.

"I just thought..." He started, but I interrupted him before he could say any more.

"No. I'm not gay. You may be, but not me. I know we're both overreacting because it was only the forehead and all, but just to clear things up and not let it happen in the future, I'm not." I snapped. He just stared at me, scared. I have to admit, even I had just scared myself at how much of a dick I was being. His chapped lips parted like he was going to say something, but they didn't move. He was just in shock.

"Hey, man. Could you not? If it's who he is, let him be, okay? I'm genderblind and I can't help it. I'll fall in love with anyone wether they're straight, bi, gay, trans, you name it. But it's not a bad thing. Gee should be able to want who he wants." He said calmly, though I could see he was getting mad because of his clenched fists.

I looked at him, I had never heard him talk this much.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...." I started to explain that I had never said, or never meant that being the way he is was bad but was cut off by a loud sob.

Gerard was now loudly and openly crying. I hated seeing him do that, break down into pieces.

Brendon gave me a sign to shoo and leave the cell so I did.

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