Chapter one

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"Someday we will find what we are looking for. Or maybe not. Maybe we'll find something much greater than that."

Rain landed softly against the windows, running down the glass as it landed. The moon was covered by clouds and there were no stars in the sky. Everything concealed in darkness.

Natasha's back straightened and her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her knife as she walked through the door. She was off the grid, having to make new covers seen as all her past ones were blown and was staying in a small apartment for the time being.

She knew someone was here and her heart rate picked up in anticipation of what was to come. She couldn't hear a single sound and yet knew they were moving. She also knew that whoever they were, they were good at what they did. The thought didn't comfort her.

A light switched on in the lounge and Nat's head whipped to the sudden brightness. She knew that they were beckoning her there, teasing, playing. Enjoying the feeling of unease, the tension. "Can we get this over with?" Nat called out. Silence.

She entered the lounge silently, eyes flickering everywhere as she scanned her surroundings. No one.

It was then that she sensed them, behind her. Spinning, Nat slashed with her knife. Only to have a hand collide with her own, her weapon falling to the ground.

Her eyes shot up and locked with the pair opposite her. Green. Gemstone green. Brilliant. Her thoughts were cut off when she was slammed into a wall, cool metal kissing her throat.

"Don't try and fight or we'll both end up getting hurt."

Nat's own eyes narrowed. The woman's voice carried an American accent, probably put on. Feminine with a husk though not deep. Nat thought that it was quite literally the perfect voice, and it seemed that the woman hadn't only gotten lucky when it came to the way she spoke.

Taking in her entire face, Nat found herself in awe, though it was hidden. She was beautiful. Breathtakingly so. Her hair was golden, contrasting perfectly with those sharp green eyes. Eyes which held zero emotion and feeling. Being framed by long and dark lashes. Her nose was the perfect shape and size, slightly upturned, and her lips were wide and full. Not a single part of her face was flawed. And Natasha could only guess that she used her beauty as a weapon, a honed and deadly thing.

Now Nat knew that she herself was beautiful, gorgeous even. She could tell from the way both men and women fell over themselves when she walked into a room. But she'd never seen someone else who was nearly as beautiful as the woman in front of her. Not once. She also knew exactly who the woman in front of her was. And it was enough to put her on the defensive, her beauty meaning nothing in light of just how dangerous she was.

"I'm taking it you know me then?" The woman asked.

"Natara Faez," Nat answered with no emotion, both in her voice and on her face. "I would bet that you're here because your file got leaked?" Her whole demenour was feigned nonchalance.

"A file that I wasn't aware even existed." A flash of teeth followed the woman's words and Nat wanted to roll her eyes at the fact that those too were perfect, straight and white.

She became very aware of her body as the blonde woman pressed closer, blade pressing slightly harder into her skin and making her swallow carefully. She knew she could get out of this position, but it would only lead to fighting; and she wanted to get all the information first.

"You really think SHIELD wouldn't have had a file on you? They had files on all potential threats." Nat's eyes remained narrowed though her eyebrow had raised slightly. She repressed her shudder as the woman smiled, a cold and confident curl of her lip. "They even tried to bring you in once."

The assassin lifted a brow. "Oh really? How'd that turn out for them?"

"They gave up a few years back," Nat answered and scanned her face once more. "There was hardly anything on your file. Besides your name and birthplace. And the people you've killed." Question in her green eyes as she stared at the blonde. Wanting any information she could get on the woman in front of her.

Natara scanned the redhead's face. "You really did release everything they had." The words came out in a single breath, a tiny bit of surprise colouring them.

Nat's eyebrows furrowed. "You thought we kept things hidden?" She watched as the assassin masked her face immediately, keeping her internal thoughts just that, internal.

"So that is the only information you have on me?" A careful question.

"Yes," Nat answered, knowing that she'd be able to tell if she was lying. "Why? You got something you don't want getting out?" She smirked and couldn't help but catch Natara's eyes flickering to her lips at the action.

Natara just hummed, the sound vibrating into Natasha’s chest due to just how close they were.

"Then I'll be on my way. It was lovely meeting you."

Instantly, Nat got out of her hold and sent her elbow right at the blonde, who narrowly avoided it. She got to the table and grabbed the gun that was under it, aiming it right at her chest. Natara only looked at her and raised an eyebrow, seeming to look down on her.

"You really think I'd leave that lying around for you to shoot me with?"

Nat's eyes flickered to the gun before pulling the trigger. Nothing. The distraction cost her and faster than even she could see, Natara's wrist flicked out and Nat let out a grunt of pain as the blonde's dagger landed in her thigh.

"Seems you'll have something to remember me by, ดาหลิง." (daa-lǐng)

Nat's hands went to her thigh as the pain shot up her leg. She knew Natara was leaving, but if she were to fight now then she'd only end up even more injured. Clenching her teeth in frustration when she heard the door close, Nat staggered and limped to the couch where a kit with everything she'd need lay on the table.

Once having sorted out her leg enough to suffice, Nat lay back and let out a breath. She couldn't help but think about what Natara had said. Her last word. She got her phone out and typed in the pronunciation, eventually finding what she was looking for. It meant darling, in Thai.

It just left her with another question about the woman. Where and why had she learnt Thai?

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Also, Natara will return in Age of Ultron.

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