Chapter Nine

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"You have such a February face, so full of frost, of storm and cloudiness."

Natara sat with a sour expression on her face. She'd much rather have been down there with Steve than up here in the jet. She could've listened to the conversation between the supersoldier and Doctor herself.

"You guys copy that?" Steve asked through the intercoms from where he was down in the lab with Helen Cho.

"We did," Clint replied as his eyes scanned the street below them.

"I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest. That could be him." A faint beeping was occasionally heard along with the sound of swiping as Natasha focused on the screen in front of her.

Clints eyes narrowed in on a truck. "There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you Cap. On the loop by the bridge. It's them. Got three with the cradle, one in the cab." He fiddled with the technology above him. "I can take out the driver."

"Negative," Steve replied immediately. "That truck crashes, that gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron."

Natara moved forward in her seat and had an impressed expression on her face as her eyes moved to Clint Barton. He only spared her a glance. "Here I was thinking you all gave yourselves superhero names to fulfill some childhood dream." She gave a shrug. "Glad to see I was wrong."


Natara watched with unwavering focus as Natasha opened a part of the jet floor and looked down at the street below them.

"Got a window," Clint called. "Four, three..." His head tilted in his bestfriend's direction. "Give 'em hell."

Natasha didn't look back as her motorbike landed on the road, even as she felt those piercing eyes on her back. She already knew what she'd find if she did. The bike sped forward and everything but her mission melted away.

She drove between the cars easily, overtaking each one when she saw Steve's shield lying in the street. With a shake of her head she sighed. "I'm always picking up after you boys." The shield was in her hand a moment after.

Clints eyes were furrowed as he assessed their situation. "We're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot."

"Which way?" Nat asked, speaking into her comms.

"Hard right... now." Both Clint and Natara watched as Natasha did as told, her bike disappearing as she turned.

Clint looked back at the blonde curiously. "You don't seem overly anxious to get out there. You scared?" He couldn't keep the smile off his face as he said it.

Natara physically bit down on her tongue to keep the original words she'd planned on saying out of her mouth. "Unlike everyone down there, I'm not magically gifted and have no intentions of risking my face by getting hurt."

Clint turned to face her for a few seconds, seeing her sardonic smile and feeling an insult lick at his lips before Nat's voice interrupted them.

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?"

Sighing at the missed opportunity, Clint refocused on their task. "Let's find out."

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