Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"From even the greatest horrors
irony is seldom absent."

"Tell me when you're almost there-"

Natara spared another glance at the screen quickly and continued forward. "...And I'm here."

"Okay, tell me when you're going in-"

"Door's open and-"
Her words trailed off as her eyes darted from one corner to the next greedily. It was... "انها مذهلة."
(It's stunning).

"You lost me there, Buffy."

Natara could only blink, slowly raising her phone so it was more eye level. "It's stunning, Tony. Thank you."

The words were simple but Tony saw the way her eyes shone. He didn't think he'd ever seen her look more beautiful. And he knew the phone wasn't doing her any justice. He wanted to give her time alone to really take a look at the room and so tried to hurry things up. "No problem, really. Use it well. I want to hear you play next time I visit, make sure I actually invested in something."

Natara grinned. "You got it."

"Great. Enjoy it."

"I will. Thank you so much."

The call ended and she pocketed her phone slowly, mesmerized. Natara took a slow step forward, her boot thudding against the wooden floorboards. The walls were white, such a soft and peaceful aura radiating off of them-- off of the entire room actually.

God, it was so perfect. The way the light shone through the glass windows and the wind circulated the open space. Natara drifted towards the paintings on the walls, she'd chosen them herself. Each piece held a sentimental value and a deeper meaning, all of them resonating with the woman in front of them.

Natara drifted as though in a trance. It was as like she'd been stripped down to her most basic and natural form. A being of light. She was a part of the room itself, the same radiance shining through her.

Her footsteps stopped and her eyes burned when she saw the instrument a few feet in front of her. Looking at the grand white piano, she didn't think she'd ever seen anything so beautiful.

Her fingertips danced along the top of the glorious object as she circled round before gently resting herself down on the seat. Everything she'd carried had been left at the door, feeling lighter than she had in years. Natara melted into the seat, fingers gently resting against the keylid, opening it up carefully.

At the sight of the keys, her breath caught, entire body yearning to feel them against the pads of her fingers. Golden letters caught her eyes and she moved closer to read it.

Scrawled in an elegant font, it read:

For Natara,
I hope it sets you free, if only for a moment.

She took a steadying breath, her hands daring to do something they hadn't done in ages. Create.

The first few minutes were filled with no particular melody and more than a few mishaps. But before she knew it the music filled everything, the room, her mind, her body.

Her fingers danced and her eyes drifted closed on their own accord. Music filled every corner of her mind. Music she'd made. And it was magnificent.

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