Chapter Ten

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"I am profoundly enchanted by the flowing complexity in you."

Natara's eyes narrowed before growing disappointed as she looked the witch up and down. "How's your neck?" She asked and Wanda quickly looked away from the window where she'd been watching two figures.

Wanda's gaze went hard and careful as she saw who was talking. "Better," She answered. "No thanks to you." She took a breath as Natara gave her an unfazed smile before shrugging.

"I missed."

Natara walked off towards Clint who she saw looking at a photo. She gave a dramatic and heavy sigh once she got beside him, looking down at the paper with a somber expression. She gave Clint a solemn pat on the shoulder, letting it linger there, heavy and sad. "They'll miss you," She said deeply, every word and action dramatic.

"Asshole," Clint murmered, putting the picture away and into his pocket. He heard Natara give out a bark of laughter, evil woman. She dropped something into his lap and walked off, Clint looking down to see one of the earpieces that everyone would soon be putting in.

Natara started heading out, chin high. She passed the Maximoff boy and purposefully made her eyes go to Wanda in an observing and patient manner. Pietro was beside his sister instantly. Always protective. She clicked her tongue at the reminder and shot the speedster a wink which just set him even more on edge. She walked out without another glance. She wanted to find Steve.


"Untron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. Now that's what we signed up for... but the people of Sokovia, they didn't." Steve heard a throat being cleared and stopped his speech, eyes going to Natara who had her hand up eagerly. His eyebrows raised as he waited for her to talk.

Natara beamed at the attention and like a school girl who'd just gotten picked to answer, she spoke, "I actually didn't sign up for this. I was forced into it." She smiled sweetly and sat back, both seeing and hearing Steve sigh.

Steve decided that the best course of action was just to pretend as if she'd never spoken, which he did. "So our priority," He continued, "is getting them out. All they want is to live their lives in peace... and that's not going to happen today. But we can do our best to protect them. And we can get the job done. We find out what Ultron's been building-"

"We find Natasha."

Steve looked at Natara whod interrupted again but found a seriousness on her face that hadn't been there before. He only nodded once in acknowledgement. "We find Romanoff," He put in with another glance at Natara. "We keep the fight between us," he kept on.

Steve then looked down, having taken a few steps forward. He took a silent intake of breath. "Ultron thinks we're monsters... that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

Natara internally grimaced. He wasn't exactly wrong. She stood up and looked at Steve. "What's the plan for getting Natasha back?" She asked

"I'll do it," Bruce spoke up quickly, standing.

She opened her mouth to protest but Steve nodded and agreed. "Get her to safety," The supersoldier told the scientist. He could see Natara didn't agree and shot her a comforting look and a nod that said to trust him. The blonde woman only shut her mouth and stepped away and Steve barely managed to fight his smile at the beginning display of trust.

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