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Angel smiled to himself as he waved goodbye to Cherri, she really was a great friend. He was feeling dizzy and didn't want to pass out in the middle of the streets again, so he picked up the pace towards the hotel. He swayed to the side and his vision was slightly blurry, so he wasn't a hundred percent sure if he was going the right way. He shrugged and continued heading in the direction he thought was the right one, his sense of direction was actually always pretty good when drunk.

He focused and the clackling of his boots, that's what he did when he was drunk, focuse on some sort of sound that would stop him from passing out. He was laughing to himself for some reason, he did that when he was drunk, laughing at nothing.

He stumbled through the doors and was greeted by Husk, who looked at him in annoyance and confusion,
"The fuck are you doin'? Are you drunk?!" He said, chuckling at Angel as he stumbled into the couch. Angel flipped him off and started laughing again, Husk quickly went up to him and put his hand over Angel's mouth. Angel groaned,
"Shut up spider! The others are asleep! Except for... Shit." He suddenly realising. Angel cocked his head and pushed Husks hand off,
"Fuck you! I'll be quiet I guess, if I can't get a fee shots." He said, chuckling. Husk sighed, looking over at the stare case, hoping his friend had gone to sleep, Angel would be dead if seen like this.

Husk walked over to the bar and poured Angel a shot of scotch, just one though, he didn't want him getting more drunk. Angel suddenly ripped the bottle out of Husks hand and chugged it, laughing,
"To slow pussy cat." He said, slurring. Husk took the bottle back and out a hand to his face, this was not good. And right on queue it got worse.

Alastor teleported into the room, staff in hand, his eyes widened when he saw Angel slumped on the stool, smiling in a dumb way. His head cracked to look at Husk, static starting to form,
"Husk, why is Angel drunk?" Alastor asked, struggling to keep his cool.
"Do ya think I fucking know? He came home like this, he's been out for like the whole day." He replied, shrugging. Angel laughed and went up to Alastor,
"I just went out with Cherriii... Don't be such a stick in the mud handsome." He flirted with Alastor, leaning on him. Alastor sighed and pushed him off, onto the couch, Angel laughed and kicked his legs. Alastor looked over to Husk who was chuckling and he quickly shut up, the two looked at Angel, wondering what they would do.

They stayed with Angel for a little while, listening to his rambled and flirts in annoyance. Husk and Alastor would laugh at eachother when Angel would flirt with them, they messed with Angel and annoyed him back. Eventually they decided to take him upstairs, Husk threw Angel over his shoulder and easily carried him, despite all of the kicking and shouting from him, Alastor snapped his fingers and quickly shut him up, with a grin. They carried him upstairs and threw him into his room, Husk bid the two goodbye and went straight to bed, not wanting to deal with Angel for any longer.

Alastor called his name but Husk was already gone, he looked over at Angel who seemed to be asleep. He sighed in relief and tried to leave the room, he suddenly felt someone grab his wrist a d he fell back onto the bed. He gasped and looked over at Angel, who smiled cheekily at him, getting closer. He got on top of Alastor and had his lower set of arms on his hips. Alastor blushed profoundly, almost scared of Angel. Angel started kissing Alastor passionately and started taking his clothes off, and Alastor's at the same time. Alastor shook his head and tried to push Angel off, but Angel held him tight and remained on him. Alastor grunted and threw Angel off him,
"C'mon babeee, you know you want meee." Angel said, trying to get back on him.

Alastor pushed Angel off once more, enraged,
"Angel! This is totally inappropriate!" He shouted, he was starting to get uncomfortable, he did not like this. Angel just laughed,
"Come on Al, stop being such an ass..." He said, grabbing his suit and tugging it. Alastor dusted himself off and quickly left the room with a slam, Angel said his name from the other side, he didn't care. He went straight to his room and changed into his pyjamas, and collapsed onto his bed. He was now extremely annoyed and tiered to fortunately it didn't take him long to fall asleep, he was done with Angel.

Angel remained in his room, wondering what he had done wrong. He rolled around in his bed and groaned, he felt terrible. Sense was starting to come back to him and he looked around at his room, remembering the event that had just happened slowly. He ran into the bathroom and threw up into the sink, holding his own hair back with one set of arms. He groaned and sat down on the floor, holding his head. He realised that he had made a mistake, he had to apologize to Alastor.

He stood up and walked into his pink bedroom. He took off his outfit do that he was in his usual black shorts, this revealed his scarred arms and new fresh cuts on his arms, he forgot he had done those. His body was still bony and bruised from Valentino, he didn't notice though, he went back into the bathroom to remove some of his makeup, still trying to remember what led up to him throwing himself on Alastor. He shrugged and removed the last of his makeup of with a swipe.

He collapsed onto his bed and put his head on his pillow, he had to make it right with Alastor. He picked up a pen and paper and scribbled something on it, hopefully this would maybe convince Alastor to forgive him, what he had done wasn't right, he knew Alastor hated his privacy being invaded, but the way he had done it made it even worse. Maybe, this would fix something, oh why did he have to go out for that drink with Cherri?

(Sorry for the short chapter guys, I'm wasn't one hundred percent sure what to write but don't worry, the next few chapters will be quite exciting, and a little bit sad to.)

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