Getting better?

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(This chapter is uneventful. Not much happens, I just wrote it because it's about getting hope, getting help to. I know some of you are struggling right now, and that's terrible. Just know that even if you don't think so it does get better. Remember that people care about you and love you and you are beautiful! Now, without further adieu, enjoy! Love you all.)

Angel slammed down on the table and eat his breakfast. He had gotten much better with eating, he didn't instantly throw up anymore, it still happened, but less. He didn't like eating the food but he knew it was good for him, deep down he knew that. He once again didn't hate it as much as before, but it was a struggle. Charlie watched him happily, happy to see him eating again. Vaggie was just happy seeing Charlie happy again, she knew it was just some sort of diet thing and that Angel would go back to normal.

Angel did seem sad though. He would always smile warmly and nod when people asked him if he was fine, he would never say anything, almost like he couldn't. When he was on his own sometimes they walked in on him. He looked so upset, he would then jump and put a bright smile on and greet his friends normally. He still annoyed Vaggie and the others with sex jokes and he tried to put on his normal demeener. But ever since they had met the demon, on the side of the streets offering his services, something just seemed off, like he was bottling something up and they didn't know why. Angel put his dish in the sink and came out of the kitchen smiling. He had been looking at something on his phone.

Vaggie was flicking through the channels bored as hell, she looked over at Angel, who was giggling at something, a small blush on his face. Vaggie shrugged and went back to scrolling through Netflix, Charlie smiling at Angels happiness but joining her girlfriend.

Angel was giggling at a text message, from Alastor actually. He had been out for a while to find a good product to use for his radio broadcast, someone that would entertain him well, his exact words. He had been out for three days, everyone wondered what he was up to, only Husker and Angel actually knew, the others would give him crap and according to him he has no time to be told off. He didn't want to leave Angel with no positivity so he sent him little texts every morning, afternoon and night just to keep a smile on his face. This morning he had sent Angel and adorable little message,
'morning my dear, hope your doing well. I'll be back soon but keep that smile for when I come back, your smile lights up the world.'
There was also a picture attached of Alastor smiling goofily, with his tongue stuck out holding a bloody knife.

He looked so cute, as Alastor thought this made Angel very happy. It was still a shock for him how much the demon actually cared about him. He loved Alastor to, he was just so adorable, he had been hanging out with him alot and had found a side of Alastor that he didn't know existed. He was so funny, and cute when he wanted to be, he was also really kind and sweet. He had gone on a couple of dates with Alastor, he was such a gentlemen, he would pay for the food and let Angel go first through the door. When he was cat called by demons on the street, Alastor would grab them and scare them of, he even almost killed a guy, before Angel told him he could stop. Then when they went to the flower festival,(yes they even had those in hell, as surprising as it may be. And Angel was the one that convinced Alastor to go there.) Alastor made a bouquet for Angel and put a rose in his hair, which made him blush. He was just such an amazing demon, he was lucky to have him.

(Really short chapter, it was longer but half of it got deleted and now I'm sad :( I'm going to post more later but right now I'm extremely tiered and balancing school and clubs and homework and shit like that while trying to maintain a good uploading schedule. Anyways yeah it's short but I hope you liked it, have a great day and a great week! Love you all!!💖💖💖)

(Okay it's been a a few hours and I think I do want to re- write what happened, it's really cute so might as well you know? Are ya still here? Good, buckle up!)

Angel got up from the couch and went up stairs, taking his phone and putting it in his chest fluff. He went up into his room and gently closed the door behind him. He then went over to his messy light pink desk. He scooped up all of the scattered make up and put it into his make up bag, something he was to lazy to do yesterday. He wiped the powder off of one of the many pictures on his desk, he must've spilled the make up powder on the picture and didn't notice. It was the one Alastor and Angel took at the flower festival, he smiled. He put the cloth down and turned on his little pink radio, one Alastor had made for him on their third date. It was so cute, he loved it so much, it worked really well and also seemed to play all of Angels favourite songs exactly when he needed them.

He heard his hit playing on the radio, addict, which he had begged Valentino to record, (I though this song would be perfect because I am literally listening to it right now lol) he fell onto his bed, sighing happily. He heard his pig trying to get onto the bed, he leaned over and picked his baby up,
"Oh baby! Mama thinks he's in love? Isn't that crazy?!" He said, nuzzling his pig, he oinked understandingly. Angel chuckled, he felt warm whenever he thought about Alastor, he just made him smile. It was so silly, it was like old highschool crushes he used to have when he was alive.
"He's really nice, promise nuggs, he might wanna eat ya though, so better be careful!" Angel joked with his pig. Fat Nuggets started wiggling out of Angels grasp as if he was scared. Angel quickly apologised to his pig giggling and calming him down.

The song finally faded away after a while and was replaced with another song, 911. Angel new all of the lyrics to this song, he loved it. He stopped playing with fat nuggets and got up, placing the pig on the ground. He had made a whole choreography for the song, he loved it so much. He walked over to his pole and started singing. He spun round and used his second set of arms to prep himself upwards using the pole. He spun down to the ground, these were some moves he was very familiar with using in the studio. He really loved dancing actually, he lived it alot. Be didn't like his job though, he didn't like dancing suductively in front of a bunch of thirst demons. He pushed the thought of his boss and job away, he would not ruin his happiness with that.He was so into the song that he didn't even hear the hotel door slam, Alastor was home.

Alastor greeted his fellow staff members, he didn't stay long though and immediately went upstairs to see Angel. He straightened his tie as he went up the stairs, he was back early and was going to surprise Angel. He had found someone perfect and already broadcasted it, the bag of the remains had already been teleported into Alastor's room, for later. He was walking down the hall when he heard some music. It wasn't really his style, way to modern for him, but it was the voice that caught him off guard. It was so beautiful, soft and soothing, yet it could go loud and demanding, while the whole time sounding smooth and uncracking. He was mesmerized by the sound and followed it, all the way to Angels room. He looked at the black door. It had a hot pink spider spray painted on it, it was quite nice actually.

He teleported into the room and sat on the chair without making a sound, he didn't want to disturb Angel. He watched his every move in awe, he was so in sync with the beat, like he had been practising for years, he was perfect. On top of all of that he looked so happy, he had his eyes closed and a beautiful smile, he looked so genuinely happy. Alastor watched him sing and swing until the song started to fade and Angels voice finally came to a stop. Alastor was a little bit disappointed that it had ended. Angel was still facing away from Alastor as he picked up Fat Nuggets,
"Did ya like that nuggs, thanks baby!!" He said as his pig nodded at him as if he understood. Angel laughed and looked over at the picture on his desk once more, he blushed, but Alastor couldn't see.

Alastor got up from the chair,
"I certainly thought you were beautiful, darling~" Alastor said. Angel spun around and looked at Alastor in shock, he had a bright red blush spread all over his face. Angel didn't realise Alastor had been watching him, he was slightly embarrassed for some reason, how long had he been watching, singing in front of others was always a bit weird for him, that's why it was quite hard to record addict, but he was more calm with that because it was just something he and Cherri did for fun. Alastor stared at Angel, still mesmerized by what he had just heard. They both stood there and stared at eachother in silence.

(Was that worth re- writing? Yes!!! I'm glad with how this chapter came out, now if you'll excuse my I'm going to continue making my way through my Spotify playlist, right now very coincidentally, I'm listening to show and tell by Melanie Martinez! Anyways have a great day!! Love you all!!!💖💖💖)

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