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Alastor sat by Angels side, holding his hand, his limp, light hand. The others had left a while ago, they had been waiting for three hours before they were let in. They all rushed in, but there really wasn't much they could do. He was unstable and the couldn't really find out his condition until further testing, which didn't leave the staff with much hope. They also have many other residents to take care if at the hotel, so they can't just stay and watch Angel in hopes of him waking up, unfortunately, they do have a hotel to run.

Alastor was the only one that stayed, he claimed he had finished all of his work already, which was true, but also and excuse to stay with Angel longer, refusing to leave his side.

Angel was attached to many machines which were making low and slow beeping noises, that didn't look like a great sign. There were tubes attached all over his face and arms and his arms were all bandaged and blood stained. The bed which used to be white was now also blood stained and they had put him in a blue hospital gown, his clothes laying crumpled up beside his bed. Alastor just watched him, watched his chest slowly rise up and down and looked for any sign of response, nothing.

"Why... It was all my fault, if only, I shouldn't have let this happen." Alastor said to him self, squeezing Angels hand and putting his other hand to his face,
"If only what?" Alastor jumped and turned around, Charlie stood in the doorway, a confused and sad expression on her face. She stepped inside the room and walked up to Angels bed, pulling a chair closer to the bed so she could sit down.

Alastor stayed quiet. He looked down at his blood covered suit, making sure not to make eye contact with Charlie. She sighed,
"Alastor... What happened up there? We've heard part of what... He did to himself... But there seems to be more." Charlie said, trying to get some sort of response out of Alastor. Alastor stopped staring down at Angel and looked at Charlie, he smiled softly, Charlie could see the pain in his eyes.

Alastor gulped and stroked Angels ruffled hair,
"We... Got into a fight, just before the... Incident. I... I... Did something terrible, I didn't realize what I had done till after I had done it, oh why did I do it?" He almost shouted at himself, trying to explain the situation. Charlie suddenly saw everything, it all just clicked for her,
"You love him. Don't you?" She asked, a small fangirl sparkle in her eye. Alastor's eyes widened for a moment before he sighed,
"Yes. I love him, don't tell the others, I just- oh god I'm doing it again!" He scolded himself again, Charlie was confused.

Alastor stood up, letting go of Angel, he placed the rooms floors.
"I- this is how we got into our first argument, why am I so ashamed to tell the others?! I do love him, but I don't want others to know, it hurt him and I knew it did... I hurt him..." He started getting louder, he was pacing quicker and Charlie was getting a little more worried about Alastor,
"Al! Don't think like that... Look I don't know what you did, but I know it wasn't your fault, it's completely natural not wanting to tell the others, just please... Explain." She stood up and walked over to Alastor, placing a hand on his shoulder, he stopped for a moment, before reciting the entire story.

"And he used this shield, I tried to reason with him! Then I heard him fall, I tried to break through! I wasn't strong enough... I saw the knife, it was my fault. He wouldn't have done it if I hadn't- If I hadn't... It was my fault." Alastor finally finished, he leaned over Angel and placed a hand on his cheek,
"Pardonne moi Mon Ange, he n'etais Pas assez fort... (Forgive my my Angel I wasn't strong enough...)" He whispered to Angel. Charlie looked at him with tears in her eyes, she saw the love in his eyes, he truly thought this was his fault,
"Alastor, this was not your fault. I promise, don't blame yourself, Angel wouldn't want that! He's going to be alright, I promise you... Please though, don't blame yourself, you love him and he knows that, you need to remember that." Charlie hugged Alastor tight and her tears fell on his coat.

Alastor stayed frozen for a moment before hugging Charlie back, putting on a real smile and hugging her tight aswell. They stayed like that for a moment before Charlie pulled away, she looked at Alastor and he nodded, they looked over to Angel,
"I'll stay here a little longer, I don't want to leave him just yet, could you please come back to the hotel with me?" Charlie pleaded, tugging at his coat. He sighed and looked at his liver, he didn't want to take his eyes off of him. With much hesitation he reluctantly agreed and Charlie smiled softly.

They sat back down at their seats and looked at Angel, you could here the distant noises of hell through the hospital walls, but they blocked it off. They simply watched Angel sleeping peacefully, hoping, praying he would make it through this. Alastor didn't pray, he didn't believe in that sort of stuff, but looking at Angel, he started praying in his head,
'Angels, if you can here me, I am just another sinner like any other demon in this hellhole, but please, listen. I pray my dearest live doesn't leave this afterlife, I would be lost without him, I beg of you, if you have any say in this, don't let him leave me. I may not be the best demon, by far, but he is the only light in my afterlife, don't put out that light, amen.' He finished his prayer and continued gazing upon Angels bed, hope full.

They stayed their for an hour or two more, they didn't care to keep track of the time. Alastor could've stayed there for days, months even, but Charlie stood up and he knew that he would have to follow along. Charlie watched him struggle to even get up, letting go of Angels hand was a hard task for him. Charlie opened the ward door and looked at Alastor, motioning him to come and follow. He sniffed and sighed, very slowly leaving the room, he glanced at Angel once more before quickly looking away and shutting the door. Charlie smiled comfortingly and took his arm, leading him outside to the limo.

The ride back to the hotel was extremely silent, obviously. Neither said anything to the other, Charlie wouldn't tell the others about Alastor and Angel, but tell them about what she had found out, leaving the relationship part, as Alastor politely asked earlier. Meanwhile Alastor was just thinking about Angel, something he knew he would be doing till he knew Angel was okay, it hurt him not to be next to him, but I guess he was safe, he thought.

The only question on everyone's mind now was, was he going to be alright. They all had a small amount of hope in their hearts, Angel was indeed a strong demon, he could power through anything right? He would come back to them, right?

He would be alright,


(Sorry for the slightly short chapter, this story is reaching its end, btw thanks for almost 700 reads! How guys! You are all the best, I hope you are enjoying the story, thoughts and prayers with Angel dust, even thought I don't believe in god ┐( ∵ )┌. Thanks again for reading, I'll see you all in the next chapter, have a great night! Love you all!💖💖💖)

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