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One thing Alastor had noticed this whole time Angel was back was just one simple thing,
His bandages.

Angel had been back for a good week now, he had already heard the doctors tell him it was fine to remove the bandages as the cuts were healed and wouldn't bleed anymore. So why did he keep them on, it's like he was clinging on to them, but why would he have a reason to? But yet he still kept them on, he would mostly wear long sleeves, but when he didn't, Alastor wanted to ask him why he kept them on.

Today though, he decided he would ask Angel about his bandages, Angel had to stop clinging on, they were there for, there to catch him if he fell. Angel should have no shame anymore, but he still did, the bandages he wore were just a symbol of that.

Angel needed a new start, with new people, people that lived him, and cared about him. He also had a great idea on what Angel could do if he was bored, he was now unemployed after all. He didn't really now how much Angel loved his old job, but this new job opportunity was probably much better and he would probably enjoy it much more, if he said yes.

Alastor sighed, he had been sitting on the couch, staring out of the window in the lobby's living room area. He snapped out of his trance of thought, looking around the what appeared to be empty lobby. He saw Husk at the bar, but he was passed out on the counter, which didn't surprise him at all. He stood up from the chair, dusting himself off and picking up his staff. He put on his signature grin, making his way out of the lobby and up the stairs, the elevator or teleportation would've been much more efficient, but he always did like taking the stairs.

He went up straight to Angels room, which he knew was where Angel would probably be, unless he was helping Charlie with something. He walked down the hallway, thinking about how exactly to confront Angel about this, he decided he was just going to get straight to the point. He approached the door, he heard the sound of movement coming from the inside, and some music, so he knew Angel was inside. Angel would always be playing music, to simply listen to, maybe sing to, or even dance to, he just lived music. Alastor also adored music, and he loved to share their very different styles, talking about their favourites and showing eachother with glee.

Alastor twisted the doorknob and entered the baby pink room. As the door creaked open, Angels head shot up, he was sitting on his fluffy pink bed, with Fat Nuggets on his lap. Alastor gave Angel a bright smile as he entered the room,
"Hey toots, ya need something?" Angel asked, returning the smile. Alastor sat at the end of his bed, he put a hand behind his neck, thinking about his words carefully,
"Well, yes. It's just a question really, but also a sort of request, I would just like to talk." He said, making many movements with his hands, in a weird manner. Angel cocked his head to one side, slightly confused by the way he spoke. He just simply nodded though,
"Uhm, okay, hit me." He replied.

Alastor smiled softly, his face changed to be slightly more serious,
"Well, you've been out of the hospital for a little while though, and believe me I am over the moon about it darling. But I've just so ply noticed one thing." Angel gulped at the mention of the hospital, Alastor knew it was a sensitive topic, especially with how recent this all was, for Angel, at least. Alastor pointed to Angels old bandages, the hung around his arms, he was wearing a baggy pink T-Shirt so the bandages were in full view,
"Your bandages, the doctors said you can take them off, yet you refuse, why is that? You know we won't judge you." Angel went silent for a moment, he stopped petting Fat Nuggets, looking down and away from Alastor.

Angel looked back to Alastor, sighing,
"Yeah, I know, but I just... I can't I-...." Angel couldn't put the words together, he clutched his bandaged arms and took a shaky breath. Alastor moved further up the bed, placing a hand on Angels leg,
"Darling, I know these past couple of weeks have been tough, but things are changing, for the better. Things happened, I wish they didn't, but you need to except that." Alastor said, now moving next to Angel and holding his hand, Angel held it back tightly. Alastor smiled softly at him, Angel had sad looking eyes, he looked away from Alastor once more,
"I don't know... What to do. I mean, I've got no shit to do, I could work at the hotel, but let's face it, I ain't gonna be redeemed or help anyone get redeemed."

Alastor just shook his head,
"Darling, you'll find something, but keeping those bandages on isn't helping you, it's just you ashamed of who you are, of your actions." Alastor placed his hand on Angels face, slowly pushing it to face him, Angel had tears in his eyes, he picked up Fat Nuggets and placed him on the bed, curling his legs up to his chin.
"But what if I don't do shit? I don't think anyone wants to hire a slut y'know, and I'm not good at much." Angel chuckled, wiping his tears. Alastor's face went into an almost mad look, he shook his head,
"No, no. That isn't true, you are beautiful, elegant you are an amazing performer, and you'll easily be hired." Alastor said this with a completely straight face, as, he believed what he said was true, even an under exaggeration.

Angel smiled softly at Alastor,
"Why are ya always so sweet?" Angel asked, snuggling up against Alastor's neck. Alastor chuckled and put his arm around Angel,
"Because it's my job to always make sure you have that beautiful smile on your face." He said, the two both laughed for a moment, before blushing and going quiet.

Angel sighed,
"I guess I should take these off then?" Angel asked, gesturing to his bandages. Alastor smiled encouragingly,
"As long as it doesn't make you too uncomfortable." Alastor didn't want to force Angel into anything, he just thought they should move on.
"Nah, I need to have a new start, like ya said!..." Angel was holding himself and looked quite nervous, he didn't really know what to say.

Alastor was still surprised he had managed to convince Angel, he knew this was hard for him, but he was trying. Angel remained quiet, he didn't really know what to do, he knew he had to, he couldn't keep those bandages on forever right? And plus, he knew Alastor would never judge him, no matter what shit was on his body, how fucked up his face was, Alastor never gave a shit about that. But what if... The others didn't care either right? But what if they did react, what if he got stares, because of the dumb mistakes he had made, such dumb mistakes.

"You can't do it can you?" Angel snapped out of his thoughts, he looked over to Alastor.
"Nah... I don't know how I can show off my body to like thousands o' demons but I can't take a couple o' bandages off." He chuckled, smiling at Alastor sadly. Alastor placed his hand over the bandages,
"Shall I do it for you? The sooner we get these off the sooner you'll perform." Angel really didn't know what he meant by that, was that in a sexual way? No way Alastor just made a sex joke.

Angel ignored the possibility to snigger and nodded, handing over his first arm, with hesitation. Alastor would make sure to be careful, he didn't want to make Angel uncomfortable whatsoever, as he knew this was already out of his comfort zone. He gave him one last nod to make sure this was fine, Angel smiled back.

Alastor hesitantly took the bandages off, revealing a scarred, bearly white arm. There were so many scars that no white fur was growing over it, it would probably take a while. It wasn't something pretty, that's for sure, but Alastor didn't see that. He thought it looked normal, he didn't think it was ugly, why would he? Angel cocked his head at the reaction, or lack thereof actually. Alastor continued to unwrap his arms, his smile actually became wider, he was glad Angel was actually doing this, he was so proud of him.

"It's bad..." Angel said, staring down at his arms. Alastor looked at Angel in confusion, as he threw away the bandages in the bin.
"Whatever to you mean darling? I see nothing wrong." Alastor said, pure honesty in his voice. Angel looked back up at him, the two looked at eachother for a moment, Angel was almost confused. After a moment Angel just smiled, Alastor grinned, the two both chuckled together,
"Your a fucking sweetheart Al, I fuckin' love ya." Angel said, hugging his boyfriend. Alastor hugged back,
"I love you to darling." He replied.

The two stayed like that, until Angel spoke,
"Hey Al? What did ya mean when ya said the sooner I'll perform?" He just had to know, otherwise he would be curious for forever after that.

"Oh... Just a little job opportunity I have in mind...."

(I'm really sorry for the shit chapter, I don't think it came out that well, that's just my opinion. I've been really caught up with work and stuff so I kind of rushed this one, apologies! Anyways, hope you enjoyed? As much as you could anyway, lol. Have a good day, love you all!💖💖💖)

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