Guess who's back?

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"I'm not gonna miss this shit hole." Angel said as he stepped out of his ward for the first time in forever, finally he was going back to the hotel. Alastor chuckled,
"I'm sure your not going to dear, I'm so glad your up again!" Angel did a little twirl manoeuvre at that, making Alastor chuckle. Angel was just fine with walking, he had no problem with it. The reason he had been kept was because of his blood to body ratio, they would have to keep an eye on that from now on. If it got to low Angel could pass out or just become incredibly weak and be sustainable to more diseases, which is not what you should want in hell.

Alastor would make sure to keep an eye on Angel, as much as he would hate it. The two left the hospital without another word, Angel flipped it off, he disliked hospital's, and hell's hospital's didn't give a damn anyway. Alastor chuckled softly and took Angels hand, making Angel shudder and turn to face Al,
"Are you ready to see everyone?" Alastor asked, preparing to teleport. Angel nodded without even a though,
"Fuck yeah! Take me there! I can't wait ta see Nuggs again!" Angel said exctaticly. Alastor smiled at his energy, that's what he always loved about Angel, no matter what he was always full of energy, no matter what he could and would always make you smile.

Alastor closed his eyes and teleported, when he opened them they stood right Infront of the hotel's doors. Angel was taken aback by this, almost stumbling into Alastor,
"Damn I am never gonna get used to that am I?" Angel said, the two both laughed as Angel steadied himself. Alastor turned to face Angel before they entered, he kissed Angel on the cheek, the two both blushed, he squeezed Angels hand, a feeling Angel will always love, a feeling of comfort, safety. He smiled softly at him,
"I am really glad to see you like this again, we all are." Angel stuck his tongue out and smiled, making Alastor laugh, it was moments like this where Angel loved to fill a room with laughter.

Alastor opens the door for Angel, like a gentlemen, Angel stepped through the door in an almost dramatic way. Alastor shut the door gently and the two stepped into the lobby. Charlie's head shot up as she heard the footsteps and sound of the door shutting,
"Oh my god they're back!" She shouted, almost falling of the couch she had been sitting on. Angel chuckled and opened up his arms, Charlie ran into his arms and gave him a hug,
"It's good to see you to toots." Angel said, hugging her back.

Vaggie came out of the kitchen holding a latte which she placed on the table, before going up to Angel and Alastor with an actual smile for once,
"Welcome back Angel." Vaggie said, Charlie let go of Angel, she still had a really large smile on her face. Angel and Vaggie fist bumped, they were both really chill with eachother now, much better than when they first met. Nifty and Husk then came, Husk was holding Nifty with a nervous expression on his face, Nifty was kicking and squealing in excitement, like a little child. Husk placed her down and she ran to Angel, hugging his legs and almost knocking him over,
"Angel! Your back! That's amazing!!!" She said, it was hard to understand and extremely high pitched, but Angel understood,
"Thanks Nif, glad to be back!"

Husk and Angel glanced at eachother and both smiled, Angel winked at him and blew him a kiss, Husk rolled his eyes and then chuckled, he knew about him and Alastor anyway. Everyone went into the living room area of the lobby, sitting down on the couch and getting straight into conversation. Charlie pointed out some of the newer demons and Angel listened intently, but they had discussed most of the things that had happened since he'd been in his coma anyway.

"So how's Nuggs been?" Angel asked, sitting himself up. Alastor grinned,
"Why don't you ask him?" He snapped his fingers and Fat Nuggets was teleported into Angels arm's. Angel gasped in delight and hugged his precious pig,
"Aww baby! It's so good ta see you again! Have you missed Papa?" He said, booping him on the nose and giggling happily. Fat Nuggets oinked in joy and snuggled up against his owner, happy to see him again. Alastor looked at Angel lovingly, he lived seeing him with his pet, he never understood the love between a pet and its owner, but this was something else. The way Angel would treat his pig, it's like Fat Nuggets was his child, that's how it seemed anyway.

Vaggie sipped her latte, looking over at Charlie and giggling softly,
"Okay Charlie, how about we just celebrate, I'm sure we have some wine in the hotel basement right?" Charlie nodded quickly and rushed out of the room to go get it, everyone laughed at Charlie's pure joy,
"Sorry about Charlie, she's really happy to see you, she starts to ramble sometimes." Angel sniggered,
"Yeah well, I know why she's happy, it has been a while. Nah I don't really mind, I thinks it's funny." Angel said, he was still hugging Fat Nuggets, who was now fast asleep in his arms, he actually looked really adorable.

Charlie came back up and cracked open some wine, pouring some for everyone but Nifty, who didn't want any,
"Wait? I thought we weren't aloud alcohol?" Angel said, he was always told of if he was caught drinking by Charlie,
"Yeah but like... We're celebrating! So I'm going to let this one slide okay?" Charlie winked and snickered, making Angel and Vaggie chuckle.

Everyone had some whine and cheersed,
"To seeing Angel once more!" Alastor said with glee, everyone copied his words and cheersed, laughing. Angel had sips of his wine, but he didn't want to much, that was quite surprising considering how he would've jumped at the opportunity usually. He didn't really feel he needed alcohol that much anymore, hold on, did he actually want to get better? He didn't really know, he just knew he wanted to change, feeling like he used to everyday, he never wants to go back to that.

But that was the great thing, as he parties with his friends, he realised something. He was never going to go back there, because no matter how bad he felt, it was never going to last long. His friends would always be there to cheer him up, because they cared about him, they truly wanted him to be happy. And Alastor especially, what would he do without him? If it wasn't for Alastor, maybe he would've actually purposefully have killed himself, if it was t for him, maybe Angel wouldn't have gotten to the hospital in time. Alastor actually loved him, more than Valentino ever did, if he ever did. Because of these amazing demons, his boss, the man he despised more than his father, was gone, never to bother him again.

How was he able to find these demons in the while of hell? Something like that was incredibly rare, something he shouldn't take for granted. These people didn't deserve hell, they had all been so kind to him, if redemption was possible, he was 100% sure they would reach it.

He thought about how great his friends was, spacing out and ignoring all the noise of celebration around him. Husk was now getting quite tipsy, Alastor duplicated the bottle of wine as Husk had finished it all by now. And as everyone listened to him ramble about random things, Alastor noticed Angel was staring down quietly,
"My darling, are you alright?" Alastor asked, snapping Angel out of his trance. Angel looked up and saw Alastor,
"Oh! Yeah babe I'm fine! I'm just, you know, thinking." Angel said, smiling at Alastor, Alastor cocked his head to one side,
"About?" At this point Charlie and Vaggie had turned to face Angel, who they had just now noticed was being quite quiet,
"Oh... Well, just how amazing my fucking friends are!" He said, placing Fat Nuggets carefully down on the couch before hugging Alastor.

Charlie went,
"Awww!" And felt tears well up in her eyes, Vaggie chuckled,
"Aww shucks Angel, make us feel special!" She chuckled and put her arm around Charlie, who squealed happily. Alastor blushed and kissed Angel, Angel kissed back, blushing softly. Husk pretended to gag but was actually happy for his friend, Charlie squealed even harder, you could see the sparkles coming of off her. Vaggie was just happy for what she now considered her friends.

The two pulled apart, both blushing,
"Aww babe~" Angel said, chuckling. Alastor blushed and grinned in a flustered way. Vaggie spoke next,
"Okay you two love birds, let's keep celebrating." She said, rolling her eyes and chuckling. The two both looked back at the others, still blushing,
"Sure toots." Angel said, sitting back down on the couch. Alastor sat down next to him, holding Angels hand still, and the two continued laughing with their friends.

He really was grateful for them though, he hoped to never lose them, and hopefully he wouldn't. They were and still are amazing people, who didn't even deserve to be called demons. And he loved them, and they loved him, they were like a very funny, messed up family.

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